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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S303–S364


Atypical anti-psychotics have been found to be

associated with hyperuricemia. The aims of this study were to

determine the prevalence of hyperuricemia and metabolic adverse

events in children and adolescents with ASD treated with risperi-



In this cross-sectional study, we recruited 127 Thai ASD

children and adolescents aged 3–20 years receiving risperidone for

more than 4 weeks. The clinical data and laboratory data were

obtained and analyzed. Hyperuricemia was defined as serum uric

acid > 5.5mg/dL.


Hyperuricemia was present in 57.48% of total ASD

patients treated with risperidone. Uric acid levels were signifi-

cantly higher in adolescents as compared to children. Uric acid

levels correlated with risperidone dose (


= 0.01), duration of treat-

ment (


< 0.0001), BMI (


< 0.0001), waist circumference (


= 0.003),

triglyceride (TG;


< 0.0001), triglycerides/high-density lipopro-

tein cholesterol ratio (TG/HDL-C;


< 0.0001), insulin (


= 0.04),

homeostatic model assessment index (HOMA-IR;


= 0.03), high-

sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP;


< 0.0001), and leptin levels (


< 0.0001).

HDL-C and adiponectin levels were negatively correlated with uric

acid levels (


< 0.0001). In multiple regressions analysis, age, BMI,

TG/HDL-C, and adiponectin level remained significantly associated

with uric acid levels (


< 0.0001).


Hyperuricemia may play a role in metabolic adverse

effects in children and adolescents with ASD receiving high dose

and/or long-term treatment with risperidone.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


Effects of executive function

stimulation in the language

improvement of children with ASD

I. Sun

, F. F


University of São Paulo, FMUSP, São Paulo, Brazil

Corresponding author.

The Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurobiological disorder

that involves deficits currently classified into two areas:.

– social communication and interaction across multiple contexts;

– restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests or activities.

Although, these disorders do not have any causal relationship, both

are always present. It has increasingly been sought methods aiming

at the effectiveness of intervention for this population seeking to

include all aspects. A promising research field is the one that consi-

ders the interdependence of the language and cognition areas,

specifically regarding executive functions. This study was designed

to verify the effectiveness of an executive functions stimulation

program(EFS) during the regular speech-language therapy sessions

and its impact in language development, specifically in the prag-

matic aspects, through the evaluation of the functional profile of

communication (FPC) in 14 children with ASD. During a 12-week

period of regular speech-language therapy, the following areas

were focused: working memory, cognitive flexibility, central cohe-

rence, inhibitory control and specific language aspects. Data were

registered and analyzed statistically. The average performance of

children in the stimulation was 85%, ensuring the effectiveness

of EFS. The association analysis between pre- and post-EFS per-

formance with FCP a significant improvement was observed in

the occupation of the communicative space and the percentage of

interactivity. These results are consistent with the hypothesis of

the study, which believes in strong association between communi-

cation aspects and executive functions skills.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Cytogenetic characteristic the patients

of both sexes with phobic-anxiety



1 ,

, N. Bagatska


, E. Mykhailova

1 , 2

, L. Glotka



N. Reshetovska


, T. Matkovska


, A. Goloborodko



SI “Institute for Children and Adolescents Health Care of the NAMS

of Ukraine”, psychiatry, Kharkiv, Ukraine


SI “Institute for Children and Adolescents Health Care of the NAMS

of Ukraine”, genetic, Ukraine Kharkov V. Karazin National University,

Kharkiv, Ukraine


SI “Institute for Children and Adolescents Health Care of the NAMS

of Ukraine”, genetic, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Corresponding author.

Background and aims

Anxiety-phobic disorders are caused both

by environmental and hereditary factors. The studywas designed to

determine the level of chromosomal aberrations in the peripheral

blood lymphocytes (PBL) of children and adolescents of both sexes

with phobic-anxiety disorders (PAD).

Patients and methods

Cytogenetic analysis was performed in

27 children and adolescents of both sexes with PAD, aged

9–15 years; the control group consisted of 50 healthy peers of both

genders. Statistical analysis-Excel and SPSS statistics 17.0.


Cytogenetic analysis of patients with PAD and in healthy

age-matched individuals has established normal female (46,XX)

and male (46,XY) karyotypes. The frequency of the chromoso-

mal aberrations (CA) spontaneous level in the PBL is 4.6 times

higher than the CA frequency in healthy persons. In children

and adolescents with the disease, the spontaneous frequency

of aberrations of chromatid and chromosome types is also

significantly higher than the same in healthy children and ado-

lescents. Single acentric fragments and exchanges prevail among

the chromatid–type aberrations; pair acentric fragments prevail

among the chromosome–type aberrations. An increase in the fre-

quency of the chromosome-type aberrations has been revealed in

boys with PAD (1.72 vs.0.55 per100 cells in healthy boys,


< 0.001

by pair acentric fragments), in comparison with healthy boys; and

the chromatid–type aberrations have been observed in girls with

PAD (3.22 vs.0.94 per 100 cells in healthy girls,


< 0.001 by single

acentric fragments), in comparison with healthy girls. A pronoun-

ced individual variability of CA frequency, which ranges in our

patients from 2.0 to18.0 per 100 metaphase plates, has been found

along with an increase in the CA level in patients with PAD.


Children and adolescents with PAD require a careful

cytogenetic analysis and the consequent therapeutic measures for

genome stabilization.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Effect of adenotonsillectomy on


disorder symptoms, sleep disturbance

symptoms, and quality of life of

children with adenotonsillar

hypertrophy and sleep-disordered


S. Türkoglu

1 ,

, B .T

. Somuk

2 , E. S


2 , G.


2 , A. B




Selcuk university medical faculty, department of child and

adolescent psychiatry, Konya, Turkey


Gaziosmanpasa university hospital, department of

otolaryngology-head and neck surgery, Tokat, Turkey


Necmettin Erbakan university, department of child and adolescent

psychiatry, Konya, Turkey

Corresponding author.