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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S303–S364

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Outcomes in a group of 7–8-year-old

children in a developmental-based

intervention in autism spectrum


M.T. Sindelar

1 ,

, N. Furland



Universidad Sudoeste, CS Humanas, Bahia Blanca, Argentina


National center of research, Conicet, Biology, Bahia Blanca,


Corresponding author.

Healthy parent-child interaction is essential for child development.

Parents play a central role in the acquisition of social and communi-

cative skills, both in typical and atypical children. Increased support

for parent-mediated intervention in autism has been demonstra-

ted. Developmental approaches for ASD are based in establishing

strong interpersonal relationships through natural play to foster

developmental capacities. This work reports outcomes from an

intensive approach based on a developmental, individual diffe-

rence, home-based intervention programwith childrenwith severe

ASD. Parents were trained with DIR approach by a specialist. An

individual intensive rehabilitation program was set up for each

child and implemented at school, home and rehabilitation cen-

ter. The intervention program also focused on semi-structured

activities to promote problem solving, and meliorate sensory

dysfunction. Standardized scales were administered pre– and post-

intervention, with ABC). The Childhood AutismRating Scale (CARS),

the Social CommunicationQuestionnaire (SCQ) andVinelandAdap-

tive Behaviours Scales.


Before initiating the intervention all children presen-

ted severe difficulties in communication, social interaction, lack

of language, and gestures of communication, auto– and hetero-

aggressive behaviors. After 6months, children showed significant

changes inmean scores for emotional functioning, communication,

and daily living skills and diminution of aggressive behaviors. The

present results provide strong support for the effectiveness of a

developmental-based intervention, specifically in the domains of

social skills behavior, social responsiveness, in a group of children

with severe autism. These results highlight the positive effects of

a rehabilitative approach that works in harmony with the family,

school and professional team.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Music as a helpful instrument in the

treatment of children with Asd in

their school inclusion program

M.T. Sindelar

1 ,

, C . M




Universidad Sudoeste, CS Humanas, Bahia Blanca, Argentina


Universita Vercelli, Lingua, Vercelli, Italy

Corresponding author.

Since birth infants are active and communicative partners engaged

in protoconversations with caretakers. Motherese, the simplified

language adults spontaneously use with infants, has a musical

structure. We believe that for developmental and evolutionistic

reasons music is a preferential tool to favor communication and to

promote group identity. We carried on a musical experience with

a group of autistic (ASD) children aged 5 to 7 years. Each child par-

ticipated at their school with 10 typically developed classmates

and their teachers. Our ASD children love music and enjoy playing

and singing. With music, they overcome some communicative and

social difficulties. Their bodily posture changed with music, facili-

tating joint attention and improvement of verbal language. When

singing children learned linguistic skills, they ameliorated vowels’

pronunciation and understood how a question and an answer differ

in melodic contour. Taking into account the unique sensory motor

profile of each ASD child, we proposed rhythmic music with high

proprioceptive input (for under-reactive children) and smooth and

calming music for avoidant and easily overwhelming children in

order to ameliorate intentionality and enlarge circles of communi-

cation. A combination of semistructured and spontaneous activity

is the main components of our approach, which has both thera-

peutic and educational impacts. In the musical group, all the ASDs

appeared to be more attentive, motivated, better performing and

able to teach their acquired skills to their peers. Typical peers inter-

act more with children with ASD with music. We consider this very

helpful in the inclusion of ASD children in a school setting.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Impulsivity and current alcohol use in


N. Smaoui , N. Charfi

, M. Turki , M. Maâlej-Bouali , J. Ben Thabet ,

N. Zouari , L. Zouari , M. Maâlej

Hedi Chaker university hospital, department of psychiatry C, Hedi

Chaker university hospital, Sfax, Tunisia

Corresponding author.


Many studies have focused on the strong link bet-

ween impulsivity and addictive behaviors, such as alcohol use



Our study aimed to investigate the links between alco-

hol use and impulsivity in a sample of Tunisian pupils.


This was a cross-sectional study conducted in May

and June 2016. It enrolled 317 pupils from four colleges and

schools in Sfax (Tunisia). The participants were asked to answer

a self-administered questionnaire, after their consent. Alcohol use

disorders identification test (AUDIT) was used to evaluate alcohol

dependence. The Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS), in its 11th ver-

sion, was used to assess impulsivity trait. Its three second-order

factors were attentional impulsiveness, motor impulsiveness, and

non-planning impulsiveness.


The mean age was 16 years with a sex-ratio of 1.07. The

school children reported having drunk alcohol at least once in 18.9%

of cases and 41.66% of them still consume. According to AUDIT,

1.6% of alcohol users presented an alcohol misuse and 21.6% pre-

sented dependence. According to BIS, impulsivity prevalence (IP)

in the whole sample was 27.8% while it was 40% among the alco-

holic participants versus 24.9% in non-alcoholic participants. The

average BIS score was more important in the alcoholic participants

(69.25 versus 65.53;


= 0.011). Alcohol consumption was correla-

ted to attentional impulsiveness (


= 0.01) andmotor impulsiveness



= 0.008). Alcohol dependence was correlated to motor impulsi-

veness (


= 0.018).


These results show the importance of clinically eva-

luating and intervening on impulsive personality traits to better

prevent addictive behavior such as alcoholism among adolescents.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Influence of peers drinking and

parental drinking and attitudes on

adolescent drinking