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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S405–S464

est score among patients diagnosed with F20. Schizophrenia. To

conclude, long lasting injectable achieves important adherence and

high percentage of antipsychotic monotherapy, thus reducing the

side effects although our sample 4.7% which has occurred removed


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Adherence to treatment program in

mental health rehabilitation service

V. Martí Garnica

1 ,

, M.D. Ortega Garcia


, M.C. García Pérez



C. Sánchez Carre˜no



Servicio Murciano de Salud, San Andrés Community Mental Health

Center in Murcia, Murcia, Spain


CSM San Andrés, Psychiatry, Murcia, Spain

Corresponding author.


After several years of research to improve the action of

antipsychotic medication and to reduce its side effects, we have

realized the importance of an accurate intake of antipsychoticmed-

ication and because of it we started up a program in our Mental

Health Rehabilitation Service. Therefore, we can affirm that out-

patients behavior influence their intake medication and also the

efficiency of the drug prescription. The main consequence of inad-

equate treatment compliance is an increase in relapses and hospital


The aim of this program is to improve adherence to pharmaco-

logical treatment, to promote the quality of life for a better social

integration, to know the use of prescribed medication, to know the

health resources of the network to acquire the medication and to

acquire skills for greater autonomy in the management and man-

agement of medication.


We analyzed a sample of 13 outpatient diagnosed with

severe mental disorder that started up into our Program “Adher-

ence to treatment” and their stabilization (less relapses and less

admissions) in two years’ time.


One of the patients have completed the aims of the pro-

gramand he is living on his own, nine of themcontinue the program

without relapses or admissions, one dropped out the program

because of relapse and an another one have also completed the

program but he died because of somatic disease.


The experience of this program in group format is

positive, since patients acquire skills, knowledge and strategies in

their own treatment in linewith the recoverymodel in psychosocial


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Profile of side effects on a sample of

outpatient treated with long-lasting

injection paliperidone (LLIP)

V. Martí Garnica

1 ,

, M .D

. Ortega García

2 , J.R

. Russo de León

3 ,

S. García Marín



Servicio Murciano de Salud, San Andrés Community Mental Health

Center in Murcia, Murcia, Spain


CSM Cartagena, Psychiatry, Murcia, Spain


Hospital Reina Sofía, Psychiatry, Murcia, Spain


CSM Lorca, Psychiatry, Murcia, Spain

Corresponding author.


Assess the profile of side effects on sample of outpatients

treated with long-lasting injection paliperidone LLIP.


Study of a population of 67 patients, 25 people are female

and 42 are male. In female sample, more than 52% are diagnosed of

Schizophrenia and the majority of female do not refer side effects

(88%) and only a little percentage of 12 refer side effects such as

amenorrhea (F20), stiffness (F20) and relapse (F25). Inmale sample,

more than 54.7% are diagnosed of Schizophrenia and themajority of

male do not refer side effects (80%) and only a little percentage of 20

refer side effects (F70) such fear of injection and sexual dysfunction


Results and conclusions

In our sample, the number of women

diagnosedwith schizophrenia have a greater number of side effects

respects to men with the same diagnosis. However, it would be

important to increase the sample size of women to conduct a com-

parative study men/women to assess research in this field.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Ganser’s syndrome: A nosographic


M. Moalla

, R. Sellami , I. Feki , S. Hentati , J. Masmoudi

CHU Hédi Chaker, Psychiatry “A”, Sfax, Tunisia

Corresponding author.


Ganser described a peculiar hysterical state, called

Ganser’s syndrome. This syndrome raisesmany etiological and psy-

chopathological unresolved issues.


This article proposes to present the place of the

Ganser’s syndrome in the current nosographic framework throw

the analyse of a clinical case and a literature review.


A 28-year-old man was admitted for fugue and

memory loss. This symptomatology evolves since three days after

an emotional conflict.

He complained from headache. He showed incoherent speech

with approximate responses, lability, anxiety, auditory hallucina-

tions, unstructured mild delusional ideation, cognitive difficulties,

altered sleep-wake rhythm and anorexia.

Memory gaps were observed with difficulties in abstract thinking.

Symptoms totally regressed after one week under anxiolytic treat-



Ganser’s syndrome was evoked in the presence of

suggestive symptoms: presence of a stressor factor, cardinal

symptoms (approximate answers), associated symptoms (halluci-

nations + confusion + somatoformsymptoms) and rapid restitution.

Ganser considered this syndrome as a special case of crepuscular

state, belonging to hysteria. Ganser’s syndrome was included in

DSM-III but located in factitious disorders against Ganser’s position.

In DSM-IV, it was positioned in unspecified dissociative disorders.

In DSM-5, its place was reduced to a few words in the end of the

introduction of dissociative disorders, and was no longer used as

dissociative disorder.


Although Ganser’s syndrome is not part of current

diagnostic criteria for dissociative disorders, clinical descriptions of

Ganser remain of clinical of interest by nosographic questions they

have raised, in particular the link between simulation, psychiatric

disorder and non psychiatric disorder.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Psychotic and obsessive symptoms:

A case report

L. Montes Reula

, A. Portilla Fernández , H. Saiz García

Biomedical Research Center CIB, Psychiatric, Pamplona, Spain

Corresponding author.