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Page Background European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S465–S520

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25th European Congress of Psychiatry

ePoster viewing part 2

e-Poster viewing: Comorbidity/dual pathologies


Behavioral disorders in emergencies.

Differential diagnosis and treatment

S.M. Ba˜nón González

1 ,

, N. Ogando Portilla



M.G. García Jiménez


, R. Álvarez García


, F. García Sánchez



Hospital Universitario Rey Juan Carlos, Psychiatry, Madrid, Spain


Hospital Universitario de Móstoles, Psychiatry, Madrid, Spain

Corresponding author.


The clinical case has been submitted because it

presents a number of difficulties in diagnosis. After seven psychi-

atric hospitalizations, it does not present a definitive diagnosis,

poor prognosis and multiple relapses.


Both analyze clinical, psychopathological and epi-

demiological characteristics of behavioral disorders in relation to a

clinical case and review causes, incidence, prevalence, diagnostic,

therapeutic tools and the importance of an appropriate differential

diagnosis to reach a correct therapeutic approach.


Review of the impact literature for the last five years

concerning behavioral disorders: prevalence, incidence, pathogen-

esis and its relationship with psychiatric disorders encoded in



It is evident that the patient has behavioral disorders

and psychotic symptoms in the context of cocaine intoxication.

Although sometimes the dose of cocaine has been very small and

probably not justifies in all cases a toxic psychosis, it is true that

withdrawal periods have been short; therefore difficult to assess.

Alsomania-like symptoms have been discussed because the patient

has an increased activity, dysphoric mood, anxiety and decreased

need for sleep.


Response to treatment and hyperactivity, impulsi-

vity and inattention characteristics make us consider the diagnosis

of adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD in

adults and adolescents have significant comorbiditywith substance

abuse, particularly cocaine, amphetamines and psychostimulants,

also alcohol, tobacco and cannabis, and with other psychiatric

disorders: oppositional defiant, personality (especially cluster B:

antisocial, etc), anxiety (generalized anxiety, phobias, panic..),

affective or eating disorders.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The connection between drugs of

abuse and personality disorders

Y. Barylnik

, J. Abrosimova , S. Pakhomova , D. Samoylova ,

E. Kolesnichenko , A. Antonova , E. Bachilo , M. Deeva ,

N. Filippova , S. Sizov , A. Paraschenko

Saratov State Medical University, Department of Psychiatry,

Narcology, Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology, Saratov, Russia

Corresponding author.


Patients who are suffering from different type of

drugs have special individual and psychological problems. These

changes are important for regulation and to control their behaviour.


To study the psychological characteristics and per-

sonal resources of the patients who are suffering from abuse of



Fifty patients were studied, 63.3% men and 36.7%

women and in the ages of 18–21 years. Following psychodiag-

nostic methods are used: Kettel’s sixteen personality factor test,

Leonhard-Shmishek’s personality test, scale of reactive and per-

sonal anxiety Spielberger-Hanin.


Amount those patients were suffering from different

type of drugs: synthetic cannabinoids-66.7%, 20% were depend-

ent on synthetic cathinone and 13.3% were dependent on opiates

(heroin). According to Leonhard-Shmishek’s scales, the most often

of personality disorders were dysthymic type, hyperthymic type

and explosive type. According to Kettel’s scale were indicated

the leading individually-psychological properties in more than

half of the subjects is the development of abstract thinking, free

thinking, impulsiveness, lack of confidence to the authorities, the

high emotional tension, emotional instability and irresponsibil-

ity. An analysis of global factors indicative of the severity indices

of extraversion. According to Spielberger-Hanin’s scale, 80% of

patients with substance abuse had mild level of situational and

personal anxiety, which can be identified as an important psy-

chotherapeutic resource.


According to scales, the most often of personality

disorders were dysthymic type, hyperthymic type and explosive

type. Eighty percent of patients with drug abuse had mild level of

situational and personal anxiety. This feature is main of predictor

as an important psychotherapeutic resource.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.
