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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S521–S582


Adjusted CE prevalence in girls was 44%; with high-

est prevalence in bulimia nervosa. Average CE frequency was 3.9

times/week (SD = 2.6). Those with CE scored significantly higher

than non-CE on total ED severity, dietary restriction and nega-

tive perfectionism (


< 0.001). There were only minor differences

between CE and non-CE patients on emotional distress, hyper-

activity, suicidality and self-esteem. Among boys, adjusted CE

prevalence was 38%, and only total ED severity was significantly

related to CE (


< 0.05). Initial CE did not impact prognosis, yet

cessation of CE during 1-year follow-up was associated with ED



CE is a common clinical feature in adolescents with

EDs, as previously found in adults. CE had less detrimental impact

on EDs than predicted and cessation was associated with better


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The role of enteroceptive awareness in

eating disorders: A study on a group of

binge eaters

G.M. Longo

1 ,

, J. Falcone


, R.M. Martoni


, L. Bellodi


, A. Ogliari



S. Erzegovesi



IRCCS San Raffaele, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Milan,



Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Faculty of Psychology, Milan,


Corresponding author.


Enteroceptive awareness is defined as the ability to

perceive the body states. Such ability is provided by the enterocep-

tors, organs and structures specifically designated to receive both

internal and external stimuli. This capability, especially the percep-

tion of satiation, seems to be lacking in individuals suffering from

Eating Disorders and there is no procedure to increase this ability.


The primary purpose is to improve patient’s entero-

ceptive awareness. We tested whether patients diagnosed with

binge eating disorder (BED), while deprived of eyesight, would bet-

ter focus on their internal signals, such as the satiation feeling, and

therefore eat less and slower.


For the first time, 29 patients with BEDwere deprived of

vision during a meal. In a standardized procedure, participants ate

two different meals, the first one while deprived of eyesight, the

second one, a week later, in normal conditions. Both the amount

of eaten food and the total time to complete the meal were taken

into account during each of the meals. The patients filled in a Visual

Analogue Scale (VAS) questionnaire at the end of eachmeal, in order

to evaluate the experience and their internal feelings.


The results show that patients suffering from BED, when

deprived of eyesight, eat less food, take more time to finish the

meal and experience the same level of satiation with respect to the

normal condition.


This procedure could be of great interest for the

implementation of specific intervention protocols that are aimed

at the recovery of enteroceptive awareness in patients with eating


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Confirmatory factor analysis of the

eating attitudes test short version in

a sample of Portuguese women

C. Marques

, A.T. Pereira , M. Marques , M.J. Soares , C. Roque ,

A. Macedo

Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Department of

Psychological Medicine, Coimbra, Portugal

Corresponding author.


The Eating Attitudes Test-40 (EAT-40) is a valid

index of symptoms frequently observed in eating disorders. The

EAT-40 was adapted and validated for the Portuguese population.

Thereafter a short-version composed of 25 items selected from the

exploratory factor analysis (EAT-25) was developed. Apart from the

total score, the TAA-25 evaluates three dimensions: Diet, Bulimic

Behaviours and Social Pressure to Eat.


To examine the factor structure of the EAT-25 using

confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) in a sample of Portuguese



The sample was composed of 433 women (mean

age = 36.07; SD = 15.15). CFA was used to test the model suggested

by prior exploratory factor analyses of EAT-25. AMOS software was



After four items were deleted and some errors

were correlated, CFA indicated a good fit for the second-

order factor (



df = 3.066; CFI = 0.918; GFI = 0.883, RMSEA = 0.069;



0.05] < 0.001). The 19-item TAA showed excellent inter-

nal consistency (


= 0.91) and the three dimensions presented good

Cronbach’s alphas (


> 0.80).


These findings suggest that the 21-item TAA model

obtained through CFA is a reliable and valid measure to assess dis-

ordered eating attitudes among women.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Cognitive fusion: Maladaptive

emotion regulation endangering body

image appreciation and related eating


M. Marta-Simões

, C. F

erreira , A.L. Mendes

Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Coimbra,

CINEICC, Cognitive-Behavioral Center for Research and Intervention,

Coimbra, Portugal

Corresponding author.

Body image-related cognitive fusion is described as the percep-

tion that undesired and distressing internal events related to body

image are reliable representations of reality. Thismaladaptive emo-

tion regulation process is known for its impact on human suffering,

namely eating psychopathology. On the contrary, body apprecia-

tion is a positive body image construct, defined as an attitude of

acceptance and affection toward one’s body image characteristics,

despite some level of dissatisfaction. Although body apprecia-

tion associates negatively with several pathogenic processes, its

relationship with body image-related cognitive fusion is still unex-

plored. The present study intended to analyse the power of body

image related cognitive fusion regarding its impact on body appre-

ciation, and also on the engagement in disordered eating. The

study’s sample comprised 308 women, aged between 18 and 35.

A path model tested the mediator role of body image related cog-

nitive fusion in the relationship between body image dissatisfaction

and body appreciation, and eating disorders symptomatology, con-

trolled for the effect of body mass index.

The tested model accounted for 67% of the variance of disordered

eating. Body image related cognitive fusion appeared as a signifi-

cant mediator of the association between body dissatisfaction and

body appreciation. Body appreciation presented a significant direct

effect on eating disorders symptomatology. These findings high-

light the disturbing effect of cognitive fusion related to body image