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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S521–S582



Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Faculty of Psychology, Milano,


Corresponding author.


Several studies recently investigated how Anorexia

Nervosa patients (ANp) process multimodal information. Longo

(2015) hypothesized that ANp might be less reliant on visual per-

ception of bodies than healthy controls (HC). Case et al. showed

that processing of multimodal information might be disrupted in

ANp. Literature lacks of studies thatmeasure precisely and compare

directly the contributions of each sensory input.


To investigate the integration of visual and haptic

inputs in ANp compared with HC and measure the weight of each



We used a visuo-haptic integration task with a setup

adapted from Gori et al. (2008) to measure each sensory input’s

when judging the size of a cube according to Maximum Likelihood

Estimation theory which describes the optimal multimodal inte-

gration behaviour (Ernst and Banks, 2002). Fifteen ANp and 16 HCs

were recruited.


Regardless the group, we found considerable individual

variability about the integration processes; moreover, many partic-

ipants did not integrate optimally. Correlation analysis suggested

that ANp rely less on visual information then HC.


Despite using a setup previously validated with chil-

dren, the observation that many HC did not integrate optimally is

not in line with the results of previous studies, making it difficult

the comparison with the AN group. The setupmight not be adapted

to adults and it needs to be improved. Our study shows for the first

time how it might be possible to measure and compare directly the

contribution of two different sensorymodalities. This could provide

precious information to deeply investigate the pathology.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Overweight and obesity’s prevalence,

identification of risk factors in

children and teenagers in two schools

of Monteria

A.M. Romero Otalvaro

1 ,

, M. Perez-Vargas


, V. Pena



M. Martha



Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Psicologia, Monteria, Colombia


Colegio La Salle, Monteria, Cordoba, Monteria, Colombia

Corresponding author.

The research has the intention to determinate the prevalence, risky

factors of overweight and obesity in a sample of six hundred peo-

ple between seven (7) and eighteen (18) years old, chosen by a

simple random sampling with exclusion criteria, pathologies that

affect the weight and size (diabetes paralysis; malformation or

physic limitations). The data was collected through national poll of

the nutritional situation and Colombia ENSIN, in the demographic

and anthropometric information register and poll identification of

food habits and physical activity questionnaire for children PAQ-C.

The comparative analysis was made through SPSS in two deter-

mined populations by the low and medium social status criteria

in the overweight and obesity variables, risky factors related with

physical activity food habits and gender. It can be concluded that

the population presents normal weight, prone to obesity. Based

on the medium socioeconomic status, the percent of male obese

teenagers is higher than the female one. Children independent of

the socioeconomic status, present a higher percentage of obesity

than teenagers. A high percent of population do not do physical

exercise. There is no evidence of the relation between socioeco-

nomic level and the presence of unhealthy food habits.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Are coping strategies really different

among family members of patients

with eating disorders?

G. Sampogna

1 ,

, A . F


1 , M.


1 , V. D

el Vecchio

1 ,

U. Volpe


, A. Monteleone


, A. Bruni


, C. Segura-Garcìa



F. Catapano


, P. Monteleone


, M. Maj



University of Naples SUN, Department of Psychiatry, Naples, Italy


University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro, Psychiatric Unit,

Department of Health Sciences, Catanzaro, Italy


University of Salerno, Department of Medicine, Surgery and

Dentistry “Scuola Medica Salernitana”, Section on Neurosciences,

Salerno, Italy

Corresponding author.


Family members of patients with Eating Disorders-

(EDs)–in dealing with the relatives’ disease–report negative feel-

ings such as self-blame and criticism, but little is known regarding

their coping strategies.


To describe coping strategies in a sample of relatives

of patients with EDs using the Family Coping Questionnaire–Eating

Disorder version (FCQ-ED).

Aims (1) To evaluate coping strategies in relatives of patients with

EDs; (2) to describe differences in coping strategies according to

type of kinship with the patient; (3) to identify correlations among

socio-demographic characteristics, patients’ clinical characteristic,

and type of coping strategies.


Relatives’ coping strategies were evaluated using the

FCQ-ED, a self-administered questionnaire, consisting of 32 items,

grouped in 5 subscales: coercion; positive communication; collu-

sion; seeking for information; avoidance, plus one item on seeking

for spiritual help.


Seventy-two patients and 127 relatives were recruited.

The most frequently adopted coping strategies were seeking for

information, positive communication, seeking for spiritual help;

the former were positively correlated with the level of education

of both patients and relatives. Mothers avoided the patients less

frequently than other relatives.


This is one of the first studies focused on coping strate-

gies in families of patientswith EDs showing that problem-oriented

ones are used quite often. Socio-demographic characteristics and

type of kinship can have an impact on the adoption of coping strate-

gies, but further longitudinal studies are needed in order to identify

other possible factors implied in their development.


This represents an initial attempt to understand how

clinical, social and personal variables can have an impact on the

development of coping strategies.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Turkish version of body attitude test:

Its reliability and validity

M. Huri


, S. Sahin


, S. Akel


, M. Slepecky

2 ,

, A. Kotianova



Hacettepe University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Occupational

Therapy, Ankara, Turkey


UKF NItra, psychology, Liptovsky, Mikulas, Slovak Republic


UKF NItra, psychology, Nitra, Slovak Republic

Corresponding author.