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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S645–S709


R. Martín Gutiérrez

1 , A.B

. Pérez Santos

3 ,

B. Fernández-Abascal Puente



Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla, Psychiatry,

Santander, Spain


Hospital Universitario de Álava-Sede Santiago, Psychiatry,

Victoria-Gasteiz, Spain


Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla, General Medicine,

Santander, Spain

Corresponding author.


Twenty percent of people aged over 80 have a

serious dementia. Cognition disturbances are present both in

depressive disorder and dementia. Vortioxetine is a new antide-

pressant with a multi-modal mechanism of action, being one of the

antidepressant with more procholinergic action.


to know the efficacy of vortioxetine in elder people with

cognitive disturbances due to both pathologies: depression and



It is described the result of using vortioxetine in one

elder woman with dementia and affective symptoms with no clin-

ical improvement after using two classical antidepressants.


Woman aged 82 without psychiatric history came to our

consultation in April 2016. She had been diagnosed with demen-

tia last year by a neurologist and she had started treatment with

Donepezile 10mg/d. Six months after this diagnosis she com-

plained of depressivemood and faster deterioration of her previous

cognition disturbances in terms of functionality level and auton-

omy, so her neurologist prescribed escitalopram until 10mg/d

and mirtazapine until 30mg/d without clinical improvement. After

first exploration, we decided starting treatment with vortioxetine

10mg/d and withdraw previous antidepressants. Next week she

complained of nausea and vomiting so we reduced the dose to

5mg/d with good tolerance after that moment. Six months later

her depressive mood had improved and her family remarked she

had a little more autonomy and more desire to do things.


Vortioixetinemight be an effective and safe option in

elder peoplewho have cognitive disturbances due tomood disorder

and/or dementia, probably because of its procholinergic action.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The neutrophil and platelet to

lymphocyte ratios in people with

subjective, mild cognitive impairment

and early Alzheimer’s disease

T. Kalelioglu

1 ,

, M .


2 , G.


3 , H.


2 ,

Y. Ozturk

4 , M.


4 , Y. T


2 , A. D


2 , M.




Bakirkoy Prof. Dr. Mazhar Osman Training and Research Hospital

for Psychiatry, Psychiatry, Istanbul, Turkey


Cerrahpasa faculty of medicine, Geriatric Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey


Cerrahpasa faculty of medicine, Psychiatry, Istanbul, Turkey


Cerrahpasa faculty of medicine, Medical Student, Istanbul, Turkey

Corresponding author.


In this study we aimed to explore the role of inflam-

mation in subjects with mild Alzheimer dementia (AD), mild

cognitive impairment (MCI) and subjective cognitive decline (SCD)

via newpotential inflammationmarkers of Neutrophil-lymphocyte

ratio (NLR) and Platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR). NLR and PLR are

useful and cost-effective biomarkers, showing peripheral systemic

inflammation, were previously shown in neuropsychiatric disor-


[1] .


In screening phase the patients were assessed with

mini-mental state examination, clinical dementia rating scale

(CDR), geriatric depression scale (GDS) and Hachinski Ischemic

Scale (HIS) after unstructured psychiatric interview according to

diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder, Text Revised

(DSM-IV, TR). Spectrum of cognitive decline includes 31 patients

with mild Alzheimer’s disease, 30 subjects with mild cogni-

tive impairment, 31 individuals with subjective cognitive decline.

Thirty-one healthy controls enrolled to the study.


NLR value of patients with AD was 2.38


0.81, subjects

with MCI was 2.48


1.19, SCD group was 2.24


1.11 and con-

trol group was 1.85


0.80. NLR was significantly higher in AD

and MCI groups when compared with control group (


= 0.006,


= 0.03, respectively). Platelet-lymphocyte ratiowas not correlated

with cognitive impairment. Neutrophil counts were indifferent

when comparing either of groups. Lymphocyte levels were signif-

icantly lower in each of cognitive decline groups when compared

to healthy controls.


The present findings suggest that systemic inflamma-

tion may have a role in developing Alzheimer’s Disease.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


[1] Kuyumcu ME, Yesil Y, Oztürk ZA, et al. The evaluation of

neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio in Alzheimer’s disease. Dement

Geriatr Cogn Disord 2012;34(2):69–74.


Association between the use of

benzodiazepines and the occurrence

of acute angle-closure glaucoma in

the elderly: A population-based study

B. Kang


, M.Y. Park


, E. Lee


, C. Kim


, K. Namkoong



W.J. Kim

1 ,


Myongji Hospital Seonam University, Department of Psychiatry,

Goyang, Republic of Korea


Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine, Mibyeong Research Center,

Daejeon, Republic of Korea


Yonsei University College of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry,

Seoul, Republic of Korea


Yonsei University College of Medicine, Department of Preventive

Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Corresponding author.


Acute angle-closure glaucoma (AACG) is an oph-

thalmic emergency, accompanied with severe eye pain, headache,

and visual changes because of acute intraocular pressure eleva-

tion. Among psychotropic drugs, several antidepressants, typical

antipsychotics with strong anticholinergic effects, and topiramate

have been known to increase a possibility of AACG. Benzodi-

azepines have been used widely in the treatment of mental and

physical illnesses regardless of age or indication. Since benzodi-

azepines have some anticholinergic properties and affect pupillae

muscles, their use could be theoretically a risk factor for AACG.

However, it is unclear whether benzodiazepines actually increase

the risk of AACG. To our knowledge, there was no population-based

study on the risk of benzodiazepines to the occurrence of AACG.


To know whether benzodiazepines increase the

risk of AACG in a geriatric population.


We will perform a case-control study using a geriatric

cohort from the National Health Insurance database. Case subjects

will be defined as cases diagnosed with AACG confirmed by the

claim data of laser iridotomy, which is the definitive treatment of

AACG. The controls, which were not diagnosed with AACG, will be

matched with case subjects according to similar age, sex, and the

scores of the Charlson comorbidity index.


The data handling and statistical analyses will be exe-

cuted in autumn and winter 2016.


Any preliminary findings of this study will be pre-

sented at the EPA 2017. We will discuss the importance of a

pharmaco-epidemiological study in the geriatric research.