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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S645–S709


improved over time on aripiprazole, but was transferred to a res-

idential care home setting due to persisting cognitive deficits and

social care needs This case highlights the importance of recognising

multimorbidity, joint working and more research required in the


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Attitudes toward euthanasia:

Contradictory views and ideas of

alzheimer patients’ relatives

E. Nikolaev

Ulianov Chuvash State University, Department of Social and Clinical

Psychology, Cheboksary, Russia


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is one of the pressing social

problems as the negative effects of the disease often manifest on

patients’ relatives. Relatives of AD patients experience physical and

psychological burden during the care.


To clarify what kind of views on euthanasia are more

common among relatives of patients with AD.


The study involved 23 AD patients’ relatives (mean age

60, SD = 2). There were 5men (22%) and 18women (78%). All partic-

ipants were directly involved in caring for their relatives with AD.

A 19-item structured questionnaire (E. Nikolaev, 2016) was used

for measuring medical, legal, ethical, socio-cultural, spiritual and

personal aspects of attitudes to euthanasia.


The respondents were less likely to see euthanasia as

medical issue. They also referred it to kind of ethical and legal

problems. Legal aspects were determined by greater consent to its

legalization and by awareness of imperfections of legal basis for

its immediate implementation. Ethical issues according to which

euthanasia practice was related to the development of human-

ity complemented this vision. These settings were in conflict with

socio-cultural perceptions of euthanasia. Respondents were con-

vinced in possibility of various forms of abuse during euthanasia.

Supporting the ideas of euthanasia in general, many respondents

on a personal level were not ready to apply them to their relatives

with AD in practice.


Attitudes to euthanasia in AD patients’ relatives was

contradictory. It was determined by divergent ideas about euthana-

sia in field of legal, social, cultural, spiritual and personal issues of

this interdisciplinary phenomenon.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


Prescribing tricyclic antidepressants

in the elderly

B. Oueslati

, M. Oumaya , R. Bouzid

Hopital Universitaire Mohamed Tahar Maamouri, Mental health

department, Nabeul, Tunisia

Corresponding author.


Although not recommended as a first-line treat-

ment for old patients with depressive, anxiety or somatic symptom

disorders, we continue seeing tricyclic antidepressants being fre-

quently prescribed.


To estimate the prevalence and to assess the imple-

mentation of safety measures related to the prescription of such

molecules in the elderly. To explain their choice as a first-line treat-



We included all new patients aged 65 years or over

between 1


January 2011 and 31


December 2015 whom, were

prescribed an antidepressant. Recommendations of the Canadian

coalition for seniors’ mental health, of the world federation of soci-

eties of biological psychiatry and of the national institute for health

and care excellence were our evaluation tools. We compared tri-

cyclic receivers to those having newer antidepressants to try to

understand the choice of tricyclics as a first-line treatment.


Eighty patients were included. Mean age was of 75 years.

46% were prescribed a tricyclic as a first line treatment. Depressive

disorders were the most diagnosed ones (79%) followed by anxiety

disorders (14%) and somatic symptom disorders (7%). An electro-

cardiogramwas not performed to all patients prior to the initiation

of the tricyclic nor at anytime later. 11% continued being prescribed

tricyclics in spite of contraindications. Only a low economic level

was significantly related to their choice as a first-line treatment



= 0.001).


Tricyclics’ prescribing rate was high. Safety meas-

ures were not applied for all patients. Regular availability of newer

antidepressants in public health structures and a better aware-

ness of antidepressants prescribing guidelines in the elderly are


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Study of the sensitivity of the organic

psychosyndrome after one year of the


K. Paschalidis

1 ,

, P. Argitis


, K. Gatsiou


, C. Chatzidai



P.P. Dalli


, E. Pantoulas


, I. Chaviaras



Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki, Greece, 2nd Department of

Mental Health, Serres, Greece


University of Ioannina, Psychiatric Department, Ioannina, Greece


General Hospital of Corfu, Psychiatric Department, Corfu, Ionian

Islands, Greece

Corresponding author.


The delirium of the elderly is defined as an acute

confusional state, with variation during the day, characterized by

impaired consciousness, orientation, memory, thinking, attention

and behavior.


The purpose of this research is to investigate whether

the organic psychosyndrome of the elderly is a valid indicator of

mortality after one year.


It was used material from patients with organic psy-

chosyndrome older than 60 years, who were hospitalized in

pathological clinics of the Hospital of Corfu and was diagnosed by

the linker portion of the psychiatric clinic.


The patients diagnosed with organic psychosyn-

drome neither suffered from a psychiatric disorder psychotic type

in the past, nor previously preceded anaesthesia in the context of

physical disease. For the recognition and the criteria of ICD-10 to the

exclusion of another psychiatric condition, it was used the delirium

rating scale method.


According to the analysis of the data, 8% of patients died

during hospitalisation, in the first 3months after diagnosis, the 28%

of the initially hospitalised patients, in 6 months the 42%, while

during the year the 48% of the initial total patients died and in the

next 12 months only one death was reported.


The analysis of the survey results shows that while

the instrument psychosyndrome could be considered as a poor

diagnostic marker for the first 12 months, 48% mortality, in the

long run it seems to lose its prognostic value with the mortality

approaching themortality index of the hellenic statistical authority

for 2015 at ages 60+ (1.2%).

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.