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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S710–S771

ing papers. All other students are acknowledged and are able to

present the work.


We have completed our first audits in Cardiff and London;

other sites will return data in 2017. Student feedback indicated a

high level of satisfaction with the project and interest in psychiatry

as a future career.


This initiative aims to tackle the recruitment prob-

lems in psychiatry by giving students a chance to take part in high

quality research and audits.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Promotion of mental health literacy

and mental well-being in a

Portuguese unemployed population

sample: Effectiveness assessment of a

capacity building community-based

intersectoral intervention

M.J. Heitor dos Santos

1 ,

, S. Moreira


, A. Dinis


, A. Virgolino



J. Carreiras


, R. Rosa


, S. Ambrósio


, E. Lopes


, T. Fernandes



O. Santos



Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa, Hospital Beatriz

Ângelo, Instituto de Medicina Preventiva e Saúde Pública, Instituto de

Saúde Ambiental, Departamento de Psiquiatria e Saúde Mental,

Lisbon, Portugal


Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de

Psicologia da Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Medicina

Preventiva e Saúde Pública, Instituto de Saúde Ambiental, Lisbon,



Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de

Medicina Preventiva e Saúde Pública, Instituto de Saúde Ambiental,

Lisbon, Portugal

Corresponding author.


Economic crises have consequences on labor mar-

ket, with impacts on mental health (MH) and psychological

well-being (PWB). We describe the effectiveness of an interven-

tion among unemployed, performed within EEA Grants Healthy

Employment project.


Evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention for MH

literacy, PWB and resilience among unemployed.


MH and PWB promotion, common mental disorders pre-

vention and inequalities reduction linked to unemployment.


A five modules intervention (life-work balance; impact

of unemployment on PWB and MH; stigma; depression and anx-

iety; health promotion) distributed by 20 hours was developed

based on literature reviews and a Delphi panel. It was deliv-

ered to unemployees from two public employment centers (PECs).

Inclusion criteria: 18–65 years old; registration in PEC for less

than a year; minimum of nine years of formal education. Control

groups from the same PECs received the care-as-usual. Measures

of psychological WB, MH self-reported symptoms, life satisfaction,

resilience and mental health literacy were collected through an

online survey before and one week after intervention.


Overall, 87 unemployed participated, 48% allocated to the

intervention group (IG); 56% women (21–64 years old), average

education was 15 years. Mixed measures ANOVA showed that the

interaction between time and group was significant for PWB and

MH literacy measures. The IG showed better self-reported PWB

and improved MH literacy after intervention, compared to con-

trols. No significant interactions were found for MH symptoms, life

satisfaction and resilience.


This study shows the contribution of short-term

community-based interventions in increasingMH literacy and PWB

among unemployed.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The benefits of physical activities in

patients with dual diagnosis

J. Jaber

, J. V

erissimo Jr. , J. Cardozo , A. Halabi , S. Carvalho ,

A. Hollanda , B. Reys

Clínica Jorge Jaber, Saúde Mental, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Corresponding author.


The work describes the benefits of physical activi-

ties in patients with dual diagnosis in a psychiatric clinic of Rio de

Janeiro city, Brazil.


Present the benefits of physical activities inside the

hospital space. Evaluate the impact of the introduction of regu-

lar physical activity practice in patients having dual diagnosis in

hospitalization environment.


Demonstrates the decrease of the resistance to treatment

in hospitalization regime, the behavioral and social improvement

of patients, as well as the physical and mental capacities and the

wellness promotion during and after the treatment.


Forty-five patients carrying the dual diagnosis, hospi-

talized in the clinic for the period of 1 year, were monitored. All

the patients were assessed by a general practitioner, a psychia-

trist and a physiotherapist, before starting the physical activity,

being the classification of mental disorders ICD-10 used for the

diagnosis. The patients were treated with psychotropics, accord-

ing to the diagnosis and the signs and symptoms presented. The

therapeutic project offered physical and psychological treatment,

promoting the recovery possibility through aerobic and anaerobic

ludic physical activities inside the therapeutic environment.


All the patients presented improvement in the physical

and mental capacities and in socializing. In the physical activities,

the patients participated respecting their limitations, respecting

the next and having a higher body perception.


Through the development of the activities, the

patients demonstrated excellent involvement and interaction with

the treatment, favoring their psychological and behavioral recovery

and impacting positively their response to the treatment of various

mental disorders.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The effects of support interventions

on anxiety and depression in women

with preterm labor during


M.H. Kao

1 ,

, C .P

. Chie-Pein Chen



Mackay Junior College of Medicine, Nursing, and Management,

Department of Nursing, New Taipei City, Taiwan


Mackay Memorial Hospital, Department of Medical Research and

Development, New Taipei City, Taiwan

Corresponding author.


To examine the effects of support interventions on anxiety,

depression in women hospitalized with preterm labour at admis-

sion and 2 weeks.


Hospitalized pregnant women with preterm labour

have significantly higher anxiety and depression levels. Few stud-

ies have explored the effects of support interventions on anxiety,

depression in such women.


A randomized, single-blind experimental design was

used. The control group (


= 103) and intervention group (


= 140)