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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S710–S771

tic effects. (3) In the newMHPCs, on-site TTT education programme

and organisational development have been in place. (4) The activi-

ties of the MHPCs have been monitored for knowledge transfer and

attitude changes in the local networks. (5) Based on the results,

recommendations are being made for the national extension of the


Results and conclusions

The first data ready for analysis will be

available by April 2017.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


A comprehensive training program

for professionals working in mental

health promotion centers in Hungary

M.D. Toth

, R. Kallaine Harangi , A. Sumegi , R. Wernigg

National Public Heath and Medical Officer Service, Office of the Chief

Medical O, Norway Grants Mental Health Promotion Project, Project

Directorate, Budapest, Hungary

Corresponding author.


In a 12month long mental health promotion pilot

programme funded by the Norway Grants, 6 mental health pro-

motion centers (MHPCs) are being set up in various locations in

Hungary, employing 2 mental health professionals each, whose

main commitment is todevelop a local network of key stakeholders.

The aim of the project is to enable MHPC professionals to perform

network building tasks involving knowledge transfer and attitude

changes regarding the following key areas: depression, suicide,

dementia, stress and risk assessment.


To measure the effectiveness of the training and edu-

cation process by using indicators for feedback, knowledge transfer

and attitude changes.


The comprehensive TTT (train the trainers) process of

MHPC professionals targets 3 main domains:

– improving presentation skills;

– knowledge transfer (measured with tests);

– elaborative workshops about mental health problems (measured

by attitudes at baseline, post-training and 3 months post-training).


The satisfaction assessment of the initial 3 days long

training averaged 4.73 on a 5-point Likert-scale. Altogether, 12

(2/centres) knowledge transfer trainings are being delivered eval-

uated by attitude change and general satisfaction questionnaires.

One elaboratingworkshop per center has been delivered during the

study period. Being a process still underway, the outcome results

will only be available by the conference.


This procedure enables professionals to disseminate

trainings and build networks for mental health promotion in their

micro-regions. The optimized version of this pilot program will be

delivered on a national level in future projects.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.

e-Poster Viewing: Psychoneuroimmunology


Oxidative stress, inflammation and

mild cognitive impairment

N. Cherbuin

1 ,

, K.J. Anstey


, B.T. Baune



Australian National University, Centre for Research on Ageing,

Health, and Well-being, Canberra, Australia


University of Adelaide, School of Medicine, Adelaide, Australia

Corresponding author.


Oxidative stress (OS) and inflammation are pro-

cesses known to be implicated in neurodegeneration. More-

over, risk factors for dementia (depression, obesity, sedentary

lifestyle, diabetes, etc.) are associated with up-regulation of pro-

inflammatory cytokines. OS has been found in animal models

to contribute to cerebral amyloid angiopathy. However, inves-

tigations of the associations between OS, inflammation and

MCI, typically in small clinical samples have produced mixed



Clarify associations, between OS, inflammation and

MCI in a large cohort of community-living individuals.


Cognitively healthy individuals (


= 211, 44% female,

75.2 years) andwithMCI (


= 23, 44% female, 75.2 years) froma pop-

ulation samplewere included. MCI diagnosis was established based

on a detailed neuropsychological assessment. Inflammatory (IL1b,

IL4, IL6, IL8, IL10, TNF-a) and OS (total anti-oxidants, NO, neopterin)

markers were assessed in plasma samples. Associations between

biomarkers, MMSE, andMCI status were testedwithmultiple linear

and logistic regression analyses.


Univariate analyses showed that log IL4 (estimate:

0.175, SE: 0.085,


= 0.041) and NO (estimate: 0.015, SE: 0.006,


= 0.017) were the only markers associated with MMSE scores.

MCI status was predicted by log IL4 (estimate: 0.822, SE: 0.357,


= 0.021) and total anti-oxidants (estimate:

0.007, SE: 0.003,


= 0.014). Controlling for pro-inflammatory conditions (T2D, BMI,

depression, hypertension) removed the associations with inflam-

mation but not with OS.


These results indicate that increased systemic

inflammation and increased OS were associated with lower MMSE

scores and higher odds of having MCI. This confirms that sys-

temic pro-inflammatory processes are associated with impaired

cognition and should be specifically considered in treatment and

risk-reduction interventions.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Effect of original anticonvulsant

meta-chloro-benzhydryl-urea on

behavioral and immune parameters in

mice with active and passive behavior

types in experimental alcoholism

E. Markova

1 ,

, M .


1 , I. S


1 , T. S




State Research Institute of Fundamental and Clinical Immunology,

Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia


Tomsk National Research Medical Center, Russia Academy of

Sciences, Mental Health Research Institute, Tomsk, Russia

Corresponding author.


Violation of the functional activity of the nervous and

immune systems is an essential link in the pathogenesis of chronic

alcohol dependence. The search for new psychopharmacological

agents whose action is directed to correction of neuroimmune

interaction opens new perspectives for the treatment of alcohol



(CBAxC57Bl/6) F1 mice with active and passive

behavioral types in a state of chronic alcohol dependence

owing to 6month 10% ethanol exposure were undergoing

intragastric administration of original anticonvulsant meta-chloro-

benzhydryl-urea. Animal’s behavioral and immune parameters,

brain cytokines synthesis before and after anticonvulsant receiving

were estimated.


In the formation of experimental alcohol dependence in

animals the most pronounced changes in motor and exploratory