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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S69–S105

Eighty-nine participants with 22q11DS (age range: 8–30 years;

mean: 16.1647) were assessed using the structured interview for

psychosis-risk syndromes. Information on axis I diagnoses, inter-

nalizing and externalizing symptoms, level of functioning and IQ

was also collected. At baseline, 22 (24.7%) participants met UHR

criteria. Compared to those without a UHR condition, they had a

significantly lower functioning, more frequent anxiety disorders

andmore severe psychopathology. Transition rate to psychosis was

27.3% in UHR and 4.5% in non-UHR participants. Cox regression

analyses revealed that UHR status significantly predicted conver-

sion to psychosis. Baseline level of functioning was the only other

additional predictor. This is the first study investigating the predic-

tive value of UHR criteria in 22q11DS. It indicates that the clinical

path leading to psychosis is broadly comparable to that observed in

other clinical high-risk samples. Nevertheless, the relatively high

transition rate in non-UHR individuals suggests that other risk

markers should be explored in this population. The role of low

functioning as a predictor of transition to psychosis should also

be investigated more in depth.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Family environment as predictor of

adolescents’ loneliness

M. Baláˇzová

, I. Gallová , J. Praˇsko , M. ˇSlepeck ´y , A. Kotianová

University of Constantinus the Philosopher in Nitra, Department of

Psychological Sciences, Nitra, Slovak Republic

Corresponding author.


At the present time, adolescents are in particular

vulnerable to feelings of loneliness. They are gradually emancipat-

ing from their family and establish relationships with peers. Among

the important predictors of loneliness belong genetic and personal

variables and factors of social environment.

Objectives and aims

To examine predictors of adolescents’ lone-

liness which are located in family environment. To find out how

empathy, emotional relationship and control by both of parents

contribute to loneliness of adolescent boys and girls.


We examined 206 adolescents in the age from 10 to 18

years through Basic Empathy Scale, Parenting Style Scale and UCLA

Loneliness Scale. Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis was

used for data analysis.


The significant predictors of boys’ loneliness in family

environment are emotional relationship of mother and affective

empathy of father. The significant predictors of girls’ loneliness

include emotional relationship and cognitive empathy of father.

Parental control is not a significant predictor of adolescents’ lone-



Adolescents’ loneliness is largely influenced by fac-

tors of family environment. Our study highlights the role of

emotional relationship provided by the opposite sex parent. Cold

behavior of the opposite sex parent could reduce self-esteem and

self-confidence of adolescents. Both could help themestablish rela-

tionships with peers and people outside family, thus protecting

them against loneliness. A significant predictor of boys’ and girls’

loneliness is also empathy of father. We recommend to make use of

our findings in clinical practice with adolescents, in family therapy

as well as in context of attachment.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


A case control and follow-up study of

“hard to reach” young people who

also suffered from multiple complex

mental disorders

N. Camilleri

1 , 2 ,

, P. McArdle


, D. Newbury-Birch


, D. Stocken



A. LeCouteur



Mount Carmel Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, Attard, Malta


Newcastle University, Institute of Health and Society, Newcastle,

United Kingdom


Northumberland Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust, Institute of

Health and Society, United Kingdom


Teeside University, Health and Social Care Institute,

Middlesborough, United Kingdom


Institute of Health and Society, Newcastle University, Newcastle,

United Kingdom

Corresponding author.


To describe the mental disorders and social function of the

hard to reach young people (HTRYP) from the innovations project

(IP) and compare to a matched sample from a community mental

health team (CMHT).


IPwas a newmultidisciplinary teambasedwithin an

inner city, walk-in health centre, North East England (throughout



Phase 1 and 2: retrospective reviewof clinical case notes

of YPwho attended the IP and CMHT. Phase 3: 24-months follow-up

evaluation of the mental state and social function, using Health of

the Nation Outcome Scales for Child and Adolescent Mental Health

(HoNOSCA) and Children’s Global Assessment Scale (CGAS).


Overall, 36 referrals accepted by the IP, 31 met criteria

for HTRYP, 15 were offered individually tailored therapy. IP group

experienced more deprivation compared to the CMHT matched

sample (


= 115). At baseline, the HTRYP had more mental dis-

orders, higher severity scores and lower levels of social function

(HTRYP HoNOSCA mean: 19.1 and CMHT mean: 11.2


= < 0.001

and HTRYP CGAS mean: 51.0, CMHT mean: 58.9,


= 0.05). The

HTRYP made significantly greater improvement compared to



= < 0.001 and CGAS


= < 0.002). Thirteen

HTRYP attended the follow-up review at 24months comparedwith

nine of CMHTYP. There was great variability in terms of social func-

tion between the YP within each sample.


The term “HTR” describes a state, which the YP may

be at a particular point their lives. A service, which utilises a devel-

opmental theoretical framework, offers regular reviews and an

individualised care plan, could reduce longer-term morbidity and

mortality suffered by HTRYP.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Implications of COMT and subclinical

psychiatric symptoms on the

phenotypic variability of 22q11.2

deletion syndrome: A transversal and

longitudinal approach

S. Guerrera

1 ,

, M. Armando


, M. Pontillo


, F. Papaleo


, S. Vicari



Child Psychiatry Unit- Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital- IRCCS,

Department of Neuroscience, Roma, Italy


Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Department of Neuroscience and

Brain Technologies, Genova, Italy

Corresponding author.


22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS) results

from a hemizygous microdeletion on chromosome 22 and is char-

acterized by phenotypic variability. Several studies have been