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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S69–S105


Effectiveness of psychoeducational

family intervention on coping

strategies of relatives of patients with

bipolar I disorder

M. Savorani

, G. Borriello , V. Del Vecchio , G. Sampogna ,

C. De Rosa , C. Malangone , M. Luciano , B. Pocai , V. Giallonardo ,

A. Fiorillo

University of Naples SUN, Psychiatry, Naples, Italy

Corresponding author.


Relatives’ coping strategies – an essential element

for the recovery of patients with severe mental disorders – are

grouped in problem-oriented and emotion-focused. The former

include practical strategies to deal with the stressful situation and

are associatedwith a better long-termoutcome of patients and rela-

tives; the latter are psychologically driven and are associatedwith a

worse outcome. It has been reported that psychoeducational family

intervention (PFI) can improve problem-oriented coping strategies,

while few data are available on relatives of patients with bipolar



To assess the impact of the PFI on promotion of

problem-oriented coping strategies adopted by relatives of patients

with bipolar I disorder.


This study was conducted in 11 Italian mental health

centers. Patients and their relatives were allocated to the experi-

mental group receiving PFI or to the control group (waiting list).

Before starting the intervention and at the end of the PFI, coping

strategies were assessed using the family coping questionnaire.


Of the 139 recruited families, 72 families were allo-

cated to the experimental group and 67 to the control group.

Relatives from the experimental group reported a significant

improvement in problem-oriented coping strategies, such as posi-

tive communication (


< .01) and searching for information (


< .05).

On the other hand, a reduction in collusion (


< .0001), avoidance



< .01) and resignation (


< .001) were found at the end of the



PFI is effective in promoting the coping strategies in

relatives of patients with bipolar I disorder and it should be given

routinely in mental health centers.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.

Oral communications: Classification of mental

disorders; comorbidity/dual pathologies;

psychopathology; psychopharmacology and

pharmacoeconomics and sleep disorders & stress


Integrating the findings from

boundary sciences for development of

the DSM/ICD classifications

I. Trofimova

McMaster University, Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences,

CILab, Hamilton, Canada


Temperament and mental illnesses are considered

to be varying degrees along the same continuum of imbalance in

the neurophysiological regulation of behavior. Mental disorders are

linked to specific patterns in the relationships between neurotrans-

mitters and between brain structures. Similar links were found for

temperament traits. Development of DSM and ICD classifications

might benefit therefore from an integration between psychiatry,

functional neurochemistry and differential psychology.


To describe the neurochemical systems underlying

mental disorders and temperament traits in healthy adults.


Findings in neurochemistry, neuropsychology, differ-

ential psychology and psychopathology are compared to the traits

described in various temperament models. This analysis is summa-

rized in the perspective of the neurochemical functional ensemble

of temperament (FET) model.


Neurochemical correlates for 12 main dynamical aspects

of behavior are presented as a systemic framework that follows

a universal functional structure of human actions described in

kinesiology, neuroanatomy, neurochemistry and clinical neuropsy-

chology. The role of monoamine systems (serotonin, dopamine,

noradrenalin), acetylcholine, GABA/glutamate, neuropeptide and

opioid receptor systems are linked to regulation of specific dynam-

ical properties of behavior in a systematic way. Several insights

for the structure of the classification of mental disorders from the

perspective of the FET model are proposed.


An integration of research in neurochemistry and

psychopathology of behavior with differential psychology based

on healthy samples can bring new insights for future versions of

DSM and ICD classifications of mental disorders. Such integration

does not follow either dimensionality or categorical approach but

instead is based on functional ecology of human behavior.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


Substance use disorder among

admitted patients with bipolar

disorder in a psychiatric service

during a three-year period

M. Fernandes

, S. S

ilva , D. Mota , A. Oliveira , J. Ribeiro ,

V. Santos , N. Madeira , C. Pissarra , Z. Santos

Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra, Centro de

Responsabilidade Integrada em Psiquiatria e Saúde Mental, Coimbra,


Corresponding author.


Bipolar disorder has the highest rates of comor-

bid substance use disorders. Approximately 60% of patients with

bipolar I disorder have a lifetime diagnosis of a substance use dis-

order (SUD). Excluding tobacco, alcohol is the substance most often

abused, followed by cannabis, amphetamines and cocaine.


Determine the prevalence and compare sociodemo-

graphic and clinical variables in patients with SUD comorbid

diagnoses and patients without this comorbidity.


Charts of all patientswith a diagnosis of bipolar disorder

admitted in the Coimbra Hospital and Universitary Center over a

three-year period (2013–2015) were reviewed to gather data on

sociodemographic and clinical data.


During a three-year period, 189 patients were admit-

ted with bipolar disorder, almost half of patients (47,6%) had a

SUD comorbid diagnostic. Comorbidity of BD and SUD is character-

ized by a complicated course with multiple recurrences of bipolar

episodes and increased hospitalizations. The risk of suicide attempt

is significantly higher when associated with SUD. In addition, BD is

associated with pervasive social, family, and employment dysfunc-

tion. Poor treatment adherence in this population is also a serious

clinical challenge that significantly impacts treatment response and

outcome. The authors will analyze all this variables in the popula-

tion admitted.


According to the most recent literature on SUD and

BD, these two problems occur together so frequently that all

patients with a bipolar diagnosis should also be assessed for drug

and alcohol problems. BD complicated by SUD represents a seri-