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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S69–S105


conducted on the impact of COMT functional polymorphism in

22q11DS, suggesting that attenuated psychotic manifestations are

frequent in children and adolescents and represent one of the

strongest predictors for the onset of psychotic disorder.


We explored possible interaction between COMT

polymorphism and subclinical psychiatric symptoms in a

22q11.2DS cohort of 42 participants aged 6 to 26 years: 17

hemizygosity for COMT-Met and 25 hemizygosity for COMT-Val.


To analyse impact of


gene in 22q11DS and its related

psychiatric correlates.


Each participant, genotyped for the catechol O-

methyltransferase (COMT) Met/Val polymorphism, underwent

structured psychiatric and cognitive assessment. Analysis of pos-

itive and negative symptoms was performed by the structured

interview for prodromal syndromes (SIPS). Finally, longitudinal

data available in a subsample of 24 individuals were used to explore

the developmental trajectories of psychotic symptoms one year



There was a significant positive correlation between

COMT Val polymorphism and positive symptoms; at follow-up, no

significant correlation were found between COMT polymorphism

and psychiatric symptoms. No other significant differences were

found between groups (Comt/Met-Comt/Val) on any other CBCL or

QI score.


COMT and additional genes microdeleted might

interact in the susceptibility to schizophrenia in 22q11.2DS: psy-

chotic symptoms might result from an epistatic interaction with

other genes. Moreover, gene-environment, in presence of genetic

vulnerability could increase the risk of schizophrenia in 22q11DS.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Coping victimization among peers in


E. Magallón-Neri

1 ,

, S . V


2 , M.


1 ,

T. Kirchner



University of Barcelona, Faculty of Psychology. IR3c, Clinical

Psychology and Psychobiology, Barcelona, Spain


University of Barcelona, Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology,

Barcelona, Spain

Corresponding author.


Bullying at school and victimization problems in

adolescence have a negative impact in personal identity develop-

ment specifically in mental health field.


To analyze coping profiles used in a communitarian

adolescents sample in relation to victimization among peers and

controlling the other victimization subtypes.


From Barcelona Metropolitan area, 1031 adolescents

between 12 and 20 years old participated (37.5% boys; 15.7%

foreigners). The different coping strategies were assessedwith ado-

lescent coping orientation for problem experiences test and the

victimization types with juvenile victimization questionnaire.


A 46.2% of adolescents suffered a victimization event by

peers in the last year. As victimization level by peers advance, it

presents an increase of unproductive coping strategies (


< .001; d-

Cohen = 0.92). Regularly women score higher than men in low and

moderate victimization groups (


< .05). However, when it reaches

the highest expression (higher risk profile), unproductive strategies

use in both genders is very similar and significant differences disap-

pear. The results showthat avoidant coping type is associatedwith a

higher rate of victimization by peers. Positive relationship between

previous victimization in other areas and peer victimization rate

was found.


It is of high importance to develop and strengthen

coping psychoeducation programs centered in solving this prob-

lem and struggling against victimization consequences by peers in

adolescence. Due to that, increase of this victimization type is very

related to the use of unproductive strategies use and therefore a

coping by avoiding the problem.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Early childcare and trajectories of

behavioral difficulties in children: The

EDEN mother–child cohort study

M. Melchior

Inserm, Pierre Louis Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health,

Paris, France


There is no consensus of the relationship between

early childcare and later psychological development.


We studied 1428 children participating in the French

EDEN cohort. Childcare was reported prospectively between ages

4 months and 3 years: childminder, collective care, informal care.

Children’s behavior was assessed by mother-reported strength and

difficulty questionnaire (SDQ) scores at ages 3.5, 5.5 and 8 years.

Trajectories of children’s behavioral difficulties (emotional diffi-

culties, behavioral problems, peer-relations difficulties, symptoms

of hyperactivity and inattention, prosocial behavior) were identi-

fied using group-based trajectory modelling (PROC TRAJ, SAS). To

control for selection and confounding factors, we used propen-

sity scores based on over 30 covariates, included in multinomial

regression models as inverse probability weights of exposure.


Compared to children in informal care, those who were

cared for by a childminder or in collective care were less likely

to have peer problems (respectively, ORs for the intermedi-

ate level trajectory = 0.67 [95% IC: 0.47–0.95] and 0.49 [95% IC:

0.34–0.72]; ORs for the high level trajectory = 0.47 [0.27–0.82]

and 0.33 [0.17–0.62]). Collective care was also associated with a

reduced likelihood of intermediate (


= 0.71 [0.52–0.98]) and high

trajectories of hyperactivity and inattention (


= 0.50 [0.35–0.81]),

intermediate (


= 0.58 [0.39–0.88]) and high trajectories of

emotional symptoms (


= 0.54 [0.32–0.92]) and intermediate



= 0.72 [0.51–1.01]) and high behavioral problems trajectories



= 0.54 [0.34–0.85]).


Childcare attendance prior to school entry – particu-

larly collective childcare –may have beneficial effects for children’s

psychological development and peer relations.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


Predicting secondary mental health

care use in adolescence using self-,

parent- and teacher-reported problem

behavior in a community-based

record-linkage study

D. Raven

1 , 2 ,

, F . J


1 , 2 , E . V


1 , R.A

. Schoevers

1 ,

A.J. Oldehinkel



UMCG, Psychiatry, Groningen, The Netherlands


Friesland Mental Health Services, Research and Education,

Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Corresponding author.


In adolescence, help-seeking is affected by different

actors. The influence of each actor on help-seeking is often studied

in isolation, or, if multiple informants are included, using only few

assessments of adolescents’ mental health.