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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S69–S105


The aim of this study is to determine the extent

to which self-, parent- and teacher-reported problem behavior

predict secondary care in adolescence and to what extent the infor-

mants’ relative importance changes over time.


Data from the Dutch community-based cohort study

tracking adolescents’ individual lives survey (TRAILS) were linked

to administrative records of secondary care from 2000 (age 9)

to 2011 (age 21). Internalizing and externalizing problems were

assessed using the youth self-report, child behavior checklist and

teacher checklist of psychopathology at ages 11, 13 and 16, and the

adult self-report at age 19.


The annual incidence of secondary care fluctuated

between 1.3% and 2.4%. In Cox regression analyses that adjusted for

sociodemographic covariates and problem behavior, internalizing

problems but not externalizing problems predicted secondary care.

Secondary care between the ages 11 to 13 years was predicted best

by teachers, between the ages 13 to 16 by parents, and between the

ages 16 to 21 by adolescents.


The relative importance of informants for predicting

secondary care shifts over time, which suggests that each infor-

mant is the driving force behind secondary care at a different phase

of adolescence. The treatment gap may be reduced by improving

problem recognition of teachers in secondary education and by

educating young adults about mental health problems.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Mental disorders are increasing

among children and adolescents in

Sweden – a nationwide study with

focus on gender differences

P. Salmi

, M.


National Board of Health and Welfare, Epidemiology, Stockholm,


Corresponding author.


An increasing number of young people in Sweden

are diagnosed with mental disorders and there appears to be sig-

nificant gender differences in disease pattern.


Tomore thoroughly characterize the increase inmental

disorders among young people with focus on gender differences.


To increase the knowledge of age and sex-specific trends in

incidence and prevalence rates of mental disorders among children

and adolescents.


Data on psychiatric diagnoses for the last 10 years were

obtained from Swedish national registers held by the National

Board of Health and Welfare in Sweden.


Neuropsychiatric, depressive and anxiety disorders have

increased markedly among young people the last decade. In

addition, men are increasingly diagnosed with substance-related

disorders whereas women with borderline personality disorder.


The increase in mental disorders among young peo-

ple is marked and disease affects men and women differently.

Because of greater awareness today, some conditions like ADHD

aremore frequently diagnosed. However, the increase indepressive

and anxiety disorders appears genuine and represents an additional


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The impact of age on the prevalence

and clinical relevance of attenuated

psychotic symptoms in patients of an

early detection service

F. Schultze-Lutter

1 ,

, C. Michel


, B.G. Schimmelmann


, D. Hubl



University of Bern, University Hospital of Child and Adolescent

Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Bern 60, Switzerland


University of Bern, University Hospital of Psychiatry and

Psychotherapy, Bern 60, Switzerland

Corresponding author.


Compared to 16–40-year-olds, 8–15-year-olds of

the community reported higher frequencies of perceptual and

lesser clinical significance of non-perceptual attenuated psychotic

symptoms (APS).


We examined if a similar age effect is present in

a clinical never-psychotic sample (


= 133) referred to a specialized

service for clinical suspicion of developing psychosis.


APS and brief intermittent psychotic symptoms (BIPS)

were assessed using items P1-3 and P5 (non-perceptual) and

P4 (perceptual) of the structured interview for psychosis-risk

syndromes, current axis-I disorders with the mini-international

neuropsychiatric interview and psychosocial functioning with the

Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale (score < 71

indicative of at least some difficulty in social, occupational, or

school functioning).


Overall, 64% reported APS (61%) or BIPS (7%); any per-

ceptual APS/BIPS was reported by 43% and any non-perceptual

APS/BIPS by 44%. In correspondence to the results of the community

study, perceptual but not non-perceptual APS/BIPS were signifi-

cantly more frequent in younger age groups below the age of 16

(8–12 yrs:


= 4.7 (1.1–19.5); 13–15 yrs:


= 2.7 (0.9–7.7); 20–24-

year-olds as reference group). An age effect of APS/BIPS on presence

of any current axis-I disorder (59%) or functional difficulties (67%)

could not be detected. Yet, when APS onset requirements weremet,

the likelihood of a psychiatric diagnosis increased significantlywith

advancing age.


Overall, the replicated age effect on perceptual APS

in this clinical sample highlights the need to examine ways to

distinguish clinically relevant perceptual APS fromperceptual aber-

rations likely remitting over the course of adolescence.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Basic symptoms in the community

and their association with age

F. Schultze-Lutter

1 ,

, C. Michel


, B.G. Schimmelmann



S. Ruhrmann


, J. Kindler


, S.J. Schmidt



University of Bern, University Hospital of Child and Adolescent

Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Bern 60, Switzerland


University of Cologne, Department of Psychiatry and

Psychotherapy, Cologne, Germany

Corresponding author.


Limited clinical relevance of attenuated psychotic

symptoms before the turn from early to late adolescence, i.e., age

15/16, was reported.


This emphasizes the potentially important role of neu-

rodevelopmental aspects in the early detection of psychoses.


We examined the age effect on prevalence and clinical rele-

vance of 14 cognitive and perceptive basic symptoms (BS) included

in risk criteria of psychosis in a random representative 8–40-year-

old community sample (


= 689).