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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S847–S910



Twenty-one AHS participants were compared with 28

non-AHS controls using a between-groups design. All completed a

prospective remembering video procedure (prvp), whichmeasured

event-basedpm. the prvp required the participant first tomemorise

a series of specific action-locations combinations and then to recall

these combinations whilst viewing a CD clip of a busy shopping

high street. Drug use (alcohol, smoking, etc.) and mood (anxiety

and depression) were also measured, as these have been shown to

have a deleterious impact upon PM.


The AHS group recalled significantly fewer event-based

PM combinations on the PRVP compared with the non-AHS control

group (


< 0.05). There were no significant differences between the

groups on age, smoking, alcohol use or mood.


These results confirm that a state of alcohol hangover

impedes everyday prospective memory. The wider implications

will be discussed at conference.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


Audit of near-fatal overdoses (NFOs)

in patients on treatment via substance

misuse services (SMS)

U. Javed

, R. Moore , C. McIntosh

Forth Valley Royal Hospital, Psychiatry, Larbert, United Kingdom

Corresponding author.


In theNHS ForthValley (Central Scotland) substance

misuse service (SMS), there is an arrangement whereby the details

of individuals administered naloxone for overdose via the ambu-

lance service are passed to the SMS. Each patient has an allocated

keyworker (nurse). It is accepted that near fatal overdoses (NFOs)

are possible precursors to fatal overdose and drug-related deaths.


To assess:

– if the information is being disseminated appropriately;

– service response and follow-up for individuals;

– patterns which might influence prescribing practice.


A list of NFOs of known patients for the previous two

years was acquired from the ambulance service. There was a ret-

rospective review of the SMS prescribing database and clinical




– 81% male;

– 53% aged < 40;

– 14% of NFO’s involved those in titration phase;

– 86% were prescribed methadone. Methadone average dose 57mg

(20–80mg) and 54% were prescribed > 60mg/day.

Receipts of information:

– sixty-one percent of keyworkers were notified.

Service response:

– in most cases when the keyworkers was informed, there was

prompt action to contact and review patients (0–21 days). How-

ever, only 21% had a timely review (within 1 month) by a doctor

following NFO.


There needs to be an improvement in the dissemina-

tion of information between the ambulance service, administrative

staff and keyworkers. Most NFO patients were prescribed > 60mg

of methadone. There needs to better identification of “harm-

reduction” prescribing whereby methadone doses should be

reduced at times of ongoing drug use. Fourteen percent of NFO’s

involved those in titration phase (twice weekly reviews) which

provides an opportunity to screen and intervene for potential NFOs.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Sexual dysfunctions in injectable drug

users in Tunisia

J. Jihene

, M. olfa , Z. Haifa

Razi Hospital, the Outpatient Service of the Hospital Razi, Mannouba,


Corresponding author.


The drug addiction in the buprenorphin with high

dosage (BHD) by injectable way, represents a real plague in

Tunisia, consequently, we are confronted with diverse complica-

tions including the sexual dysfunctions.


Identify and determine prevalence of the sexual dys-

functions among this population.


It is a transverse, descriptive study. We looked for sex-

ual dysfunctions by using the international index of the erectile

function (IIEF 15), among a population of 52 male users of BHD by

injectable way.


The average score in the IIEF-15 was 36.65 with a stan-

dard deviation of 20.87, a negative correlation with duration and

the quantity of consumption was noted.

The average erectile function (EF) was 15.63


9.26, which corre-

sponds to a mild to moderate erectile dysfunction, whereas 31%

had a severe dysfunction.

The average score of the orgasmic function (OF) was 6.35



The average score of the sexual desire (SD) was 4.27



The average score of the satisfaction with sexual intercourses (IS)

was 5.77


4.54, an alteration was noted in 96% of the cases, which

was correlated with the severity of the consumption.

The average score of the global satisfaction (OS) was altered at 92%

of the subjects.

The majority of the subjects brought back the chronology of their

disorders in after the consumption of BHD. No patient consulted in



It is thus important to educate stakeholders, on the

frequency of sexual dysfunctions and the importance of their

screening to improve the management of this problem.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Addictology consultations: Experience

of the outpatient department of the

Razi hospital

J. Jihene

, M. Olfa , Z. Haifa

Razi Hospital, the Outpatient Service of the Hospital Razi, Mannouba,


Corresponding author.


The addiction is a social and universal phenomenon.

Its coverage is quite recent in Tunisia. It requires a facilitation of the

access to healthcare, with broadcasting of the policy of reduction

of risks.


Raise a current situation of the addicting conducts of

our patients.


Retrospective descriptive study, concerned the patients

having an addiction in psychoactive substances followed in the

external consultation of the hospital Razi between November 2014

and September 2016.


The average age was 34


10.23 years.

Among the patients, 93.7% was of sex male.

Almost half immigrated in secret in Europe.

Seventy-five percent had criminal record.

The most used product was tobacco followed by alcohol, cannabis,

benzodiazepines, Trihexyphenidyl and the opiates.

The buprenorphin is the most consummate opiate in misuse.