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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S106–S169

MS group 11/35 patients relapsed (31.4%). No statistical difference

between the two continuation treatment strategies was observed

(Chi-square = 3.586;


= 0.06).


Our data confirm the efficacy of mood stabilizers

monotherapy in long-term treatment of our severe (psychotic fea-

tures, revolving-doors) bipolar patients. In fact, once the remission

was obtained, the clinical choice of discontinuing antipsychotic

therapy did not worsen the course of illness without a higher risk

of relapse.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.

e-Poster walk: Child and adolescent

psychiatry–part 1


A psychometric evaluation of the

Parents as Social Context

Questionnaire (PASCQ), Swedish


R. Addo

, C. Åslund , K. Nilsson

Landstinget Västmanland, Centre for Clinical Research Västerås,

Västerås, Sweden

Corresponding author.

To understand parent and child relations researchers have used

three bipolar dimensions (warmth and rejection, structure and

chaos, autonomy support, and coercion). These dimensions are not

necessarily bipolar but could work as unipolar dimensions. The

Parents as Social Context Questionnaire (PASCQ) has been used in

parenting studies but needs to be further investigated in different

populations to ensure the validity and reliability of the scale. The

present study explored the structures of and provided evidence

regarding validity and reliability of the PASCQ. This study aimed

to examine whether the Swedish version of the PASCQ is a reliable

questionnaire whenmeasuring the six dimension of parenting. The

participants consisted of 1634 adolescents (58.6% females) born in

1997 (52%) and 1999. Factor analyseswere conducted to investigate

whether the Swedish scale generated six dimensions. Regression

analyses were conducted to measure the different factors and

spearman correlations between dimensions were conducted. The

analysis indicates that the PASCQ consists of five dimensions, how-

ever rejection (negative) andwarmth (positive) loaded on the same

dimension and are referred to as two separate factors, making the

questionnaire consistent of six dimensions. All items had a factor

score >0.4 and loaded in a coherent manner. Therefore, the PASCQ

can be used to assess six dimensions of parenting styles. The PASCQ

Swedish version can be used as a measure of parenting styles in a

Swedish population. Further research is necessary to evaluate the

validity and reliability in other samples as well.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Childhood sexual abuse among new

psychiatric outpatients in a city in

Northern Alberta-prevalence rate and

demographic/clinical predictors

V. Agyapong

1 ,

, M. Juhás


, A. Ritchie


, O. Ogunsina



L. Ambrosano


, S. Corbett



University of Alberta, Department of Psychiatry, Edmonton, Canada


Northern Lights Regional Health Centre, Intensive Care Unit, Fort

McMurray, Canada


Northern Lights Regional Health Centre, Department of Psychiatry,

Fort McMurray, Canada

Corresponding author.

Child sexual abuse (CSA) is amajor global health problemwith seri-

ous adverse effects at later ages. Our paper examines the prevalence

rates and the demographic and clinical predictors of CSA among

adult psychiatric outpatients. A data assessment tool was used to

compile information on the demographic and clinical character-

istics of all new patients assessed in four psychiatric outpatient

clinics between 1st January 2014 and 31st December 2015. The

12-month prevalence rate for CSA among new psychiatric outpa-

tients in Fort McMurray was 20.7% (10.7% for males and 26.9% in

females). With an odds ratio for sex of 3.30 (CI = 2.06–5.29), female

patients are about three times more likely to report a history of

CSA compared to male patients when controlling for other factors.

Similarly patients with at most high school education (OR = 1.8,

CI = 1.145–2.871) and those with previous contact with psychi-

atric services (OR = 1.7, CI = 1.124–2.616) were about two times

more likely to report a history of CSA compared to the patients

with college/university education or thosewithno previous contact

with psychiatric services respectively. Similarly, patients with his-

tories of substance abuse (OR = 1.5, CI = 1.179–2.642) and patients

with family histories of mental illness (OR = 1.8, CI = 1.032–2.308)

had higher likelihoods of reporting histories of CSA compared to

patients without histories of substance abuse or family histories

of mental illness respectively. Our findings suggest that victims of

CSA are an at-risk population in need of ongoing mental health and

educational support.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Burden for caregivers of children with


disorder in Oman

N. Al Balushi

1 ,

, M. Al Shukaili


, S. AL Adawi



Sultan Qaboos University, Psychiatry, Barka, Oman


Ministry of health, child and adolescent psychiatry, Muscat, Oman


Sultan Qaboos University, psychology, Muscat, Oman

Corresponding author.


Nurturing children with neurodevelopmental dis-

orders such as ADHD is associated with psychological burden to

the caregivers. Oman has a pyramidal population structure with

the bulk of the population are in the pediatric age group. Previous

studies have indicated that ADHD is common in Oman.


To measure level of burden of care among caregivers

of children with ADHD and the relationship between the degree of

burden, subtypes of ADHD and socio-demographic factors.


A cross sectional study conducted in a tertiary hospi-

tal in Oman. Arabic-version of the Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI)

was used to evaluate the level of burden among the caregivers.

The severity and subtypes of ADHD were quantified using Van-

derbilt ADHD Parent/Teacher Rating Scale



background and clinical data were gathered from medical records.


The study included caregivers of 100 childrenwithADHD.

Themean ZBI scorewas significantly high for the parents of children

with ADHD. As for the relationship with socio-demographic back-

ground, mothers of children with ADHD reported a higher mean

ZBI score compared to fathers. Factors such as income, number of

siblings, and severity/subtypes of ADHD played significant roles.


To our knowledge, this is the first study of

Arab/Islamic population exploring the burden of care for children