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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S106–S169

cussed in family interventions. Community initiatives promotion

and increased mental health care services accessibility should be


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Information to improve awareness,

contribution to evidence-based

practice – What does the Brazilian

population knows about autism

C. Amato

1 ,

, C. Varanda


, F. Fernandes


, D. Molini-Avejonas



Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Programa de Pós-graduac¸ ão

em Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento, Sao Paulo, Brazil


Universidade de São Paulo, Departamento de

Fisioterapia–Fonoaudiologia e Terapia ocupacional, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Corresponding author.

The present prevalence of autism spectrum disorders (ASD)

demands changes in health policies highlights barriers that are

inherent to the national diversity and therefore poses great

challenges to the planning and delivering specialized services. Sys-

tematic data regarding the level of knowledge and information

about autism in the general population may help in building a set

of evidences to support decision-making processes about inter-

vention proposals directed towards this population. Aiming to

contribute to evidence-based practice, this study used a digital-

delivered questionnaire to assess the knowledge by the general

population about autism in Brazil. A self-explanatory question-

naire was made available on-line. It was comprised by 57 questions

divided in five domains: data about the answerer; information

about how the person had access to the issue of autism; informa-

tion about the concept of autism (signs, symptoms and etiology);

information about the characteristics of persons with autism and

what are the professionals that are essential in the team that assists

these individuals. Participants were contacted via e-mail and given

full information on the nature of the research. They were 4282 per-

sons living in the five large regions of Brazil. Results indicate that

most of the participants were mothers, followed by teachers. The

analysis of the answers demands consideration of the hypothesis

that although most of the participants have answered that they

knew what is Autism, this knowledge is based on lay beliefs and

not on scientific-based information. This reality must be taken into

account when proposing intervention programs directed to per-

sons with ASD.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Clinico-social character of delinquent

form of dissocial (deviant) behavior

T. Aprasidze

1 ,

, M. Tsirekidze



M. Iashvili Children’s Central Hospital, Neuroscience, Tbilisi, Georgia


O. Gudushauri National Medical Centre, Psychiatry, Tbilisi, Georgia

Corresponding author.


Among great variety of the manifestations of juve-

nile deviation of behavior, with its social significance, delinquency

draws a special attention, in particular, with its aggressive mani-



Our task is specification of psychopathological pecu-

liarities of two forms of aggressive behavior of delinquency.


Fifty delinquent juveniles from 14 to 18 years of age

(inclusive) have been examined. Two forms of aggressive mani-

festations have been picked out: non-pathological: 36 (72%) and

pathological: 14 (28%).


Non-pathological aggression basically is conditioned by

the influence of micro-social negative conditions and stress situ-

ations. The contents of aggressive acts are closely connected with

the peculiarities of characterological features; aggressive behav-

ior is characterized with an episodic appearing, less severity and

is often manifested in threatening. Marked cruelty, sadism and

vandalism are found comparatively seldom. The violation of social

adaptation is found in them in stresses, stipulated with negative

micro-social factors; they are more manageable and comparatively

quickly regress.

The peculiarities of pathological aggression are represented

by super valuable and sadistic manifestations, comparatively

seldom–with signs of dysphoria. The aggression, stipulated by

pathocharacterological reactions is manifested in the form of

pathologically super valued and affective situational acts of behav-



Aggressive behavior of delinquency is chiefly

observed in its non-pathological form, which can be explained by

the hard social-economical background, visible growth of aggres-

siveness in an immense part of population, moral and ethic

deprivation and frustration. The society itself is a certain indicator

of aggressiveness.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Regulation disorders of sensory

processing–Understanding the

complexities of child-parents


B. Baptista

1 ,

, A . A


2 , S. M


2 , M.




Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia Espinho EPE, Psychiatry and

Mental Health, Porto, Portugal


Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia Espinho EPE, Childhood and

Adolescence Psychiatry, Porto, Portugal

Corresponding author.


Many authors have agreed on the clinical impor-

tance of sensory regulation for a child’s cognitive, affective and

social development. Sensory regulation abilities are fundamental

for an efficient modulation of internal states and the development

of appropriately graded responses to the constantly changing sen-

sory experiences. Sensory modulation deficit is an essential feature

of regulation disorders of sensory processing (RDSP), that is charac-

terized by difficulties in regulating emotions, behaviors and motor

abilities, in response to sensory stimulation and lead to impair-

ment in functioning. We also know that, through daily interactions

and early relationship (child’s attachment), parents play a crucial

role on child’s regulation in terms of their emotional and physical

availability and how they interpret and respond to child needs.


The authors will present a clinical case of a two-year

child who has been diagnosed with RDSP, highlighting the main

features, types (hypersensitive; hyposensitive/under-responsive;

sensory-stimulation seeking/impulsive) and challenges of this dis-



Explore the association between sensory regulation diffi-

culties, RDSP and child attachment.


Systematic literature review.


Recent studies showed the high prevalence of sensory

regulation difficulties (33–76%) and insecure attachment (80%) in

children with psychiatric disorders. Results also revealed that chil-

dren with greater sensory impairment were significantly more

likely to showelevated scores of insecurity (avoidance and depend-

ence) to their caregiver.