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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S238–S302


Differences in perceived reasons for

and barriers to, seeking help for

depression between people with and

without heightened depressive


B. Lienemann

1 ,

, S.T. Jason



University of Southern California, Department of Preventive

Medicine, Los Angeles, USA


Claremont Graduate University, Department of Behavioral and

Organizational Sciences, Claremont, USA

Corresponding author.


Depression is treatable, but many people with

depression do not seek help. When studies are conducted assessing

barriers to and reasons for help seeking, it is common to combine

responses from people with and without depressive symptomatol-



The goal of the current study was to assess if

people with and without heightened levels of depressive symp-

tomatology perceive reasons/barriers similarly.


Prior to the main study, two pilot studies were con-

ducted which resulted in sets of 10 reasons and barriers rated as

those participants were most aware of as influencing their deci-

sion to seek help for depression. Participants (


= 520) rated the

importance of these reasons/barriers to their decision regarding

help seeking. Two groups were created based on their Beck depres-

sion inventory-II score: no tominimal andmild to severe depressive



Although, the order across the reasons/barriers varied

between the groups, the most important reason for both groups

was seeking help to enjoy life again, while the most important

barrier for both groups was negative side effects of depression

medication. The no to minimal group rated reasons to seek help

as significantly more important to their help seeking decision

process than the mild to severe group, while the mild to severe

group rated barriers to seeking help significantly more important

to their help seeking decision process than the no to minimal



Greater importance of barriers to seeking help

could partially explain why help seeking decreases as depres-

sive symptomatology increases. Interventions should increase the

importance of reasons to seek help.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Correlation between chronic somatic

co-morbidities and prognosis of

major depressive disorder

N. Lucev

1 ,

, A. Vuk


, I. Simunovic Filipcic


, I. Filipcic



Psychiatric hospital Sveti Ivan, Department of psychiatry, Zagreb,



The University Hospital Centre Zagreb KBC Zagreb, Department of

Psychological Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia

Corresponding author.


Depression and somatic disorders are closely inter-

related. Depressed mood is recognized to contribute to the

development and progression of wide range of somatic diseases,

while at the same time somatic diseases may increase the risk of

depression. Co-morbidity research still represents huge research

and clinical challenge to contemporary psychiatry and medicine.


To check whether the correlation of NSC and poor

prognosis of MDD treatment is merely the consequence of age and

duration of illness.


We investigated a cross-sectional sample consisting of

290 psychiatric diagnosed with MDD. Outcome was the number

of psychiatric rehospitalizations (NPR) since the first diagnosis of

MDD treatment success. Predictor was NSC. Covariates controlled

were sex, age, BMI, marital status, number of household members,

education, work status, duration of MDD, CGI-severity of MDD at

diagnosis, treatment with antidepressants and anti-psychotics.


After adjustment for all confounders, mediation analy-

sis revealed insignificant indirect effects of NSC on NPR through

patient’s age (


= 0.296) and duration of MDD (


= 0.180). Direct

effect of NSC was significant and clinically relevant (


< 0.001).

Effect of NSC was significantly moderated by duration of MDD



= 0.019). NSC and NPR were not significantly associated if MDD

lasted for less than a year. The more MDD lasted the stronger was

correlation of NSC and NPR.


Correlation of NSC and poor prognosis of MDD is not

a mere consequence of patient’s age and duration of illness. To

treat MDD effectively we have to treat simultaneously somatic co-


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


From pilot project to RCT – Music

intervention to improve sleep quality

in depressed patients: A mixed

methods study

H.N. Lund

, A. Heyman-Shlaczinska , I.N. Pedersen

Aalborg Psychiatric Hospital, Klinik Syd, Aalborg, Denmark

Corresponding author.


Insomnia is a common sleep disorder for patients

with depression. This has amajor impact on the quality of life for the

individual. A randomized controlled trial (RCT) will address the use

of music as a non-pharmacological treatment to reduce insomnia

in depression.

Objectives and method

The aim is to investigate, whether music

listening is effective to:

– improve sleep quality;

– reduce symptoms of depression;

– improve quality of life;

– limit or replace medication.

A RCT will address the use of music as a treatment modality in

depression using an explanatory mixed methods design. In the first

phase of the study, patient data is collected from 3D accelerometer,

log files from a new app for iPad called ‘the music star’ and ques-

tionnaires (MDI, HAM, PSQI and WHO-QOL). ‘The music star’ is an

app for iPad used to select music from special designed playlists

developed by Danishmusic therapists in psychiatry. An exploratory

follow-up (semi-structured interviews) aims to explain quanti-

tative results from accelerometer and ‘the music star’ log files.

Participants enrolled are registered at the clinic for unipolar and

bipolar affective disorders at Aalborg University Hospital – Psy-

chiatry. The participants test whether a sound pillow and special

designed playlists is effective to reduce insomnia in depression in

a 4 week period.

Results and conclusions

A feasibility study has been conducted on

11 participants showing positive results in terms of participation

and sleep quality.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.