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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S238–S302


addiction and impulsivity relations biological rhythms differences

and insomnia in university students.


One thousand and five hundred students planned to par-

ticipate who studies in Konya Selcuk University central campus.

Participants were to fill out the test during their classes under

physician supervision. The volunteers completed a package of psy-

chological instruments including the Morningness–Eveningness

Questionnaire, Yale Food Addiction Scale, Insomnia Severity Index,

and Barratt Impulsiveness Scale administered by two investigators

in their classrooms.


In total, 1323 forms were suitable for statistical analy-

sis. The mean age was 20.83, mean BMI was 22.02. Food addiction

prevalence was 18.2%. Our study showed that association between

the eveningness type and food addiction (


< 0.045). Also, the

eveningness type and insomnia were in positive correlation in

impulsivity (


< 0.001).


This study has explored the association between

eveningness type of biological rhythms, food addiction, insomnia

and impulsivity.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Are low body weight and

psychological symptoms associated

with cognitive function in children

and adolescents with anorexia


G. Kjærsdam Telléus

1 ,

, J.R. Jepsen


, M. Fjelkegaard



E. Christiansen


, F. Birgitte


, J.B. Valentin


, P.H. Thomsen



Aalborg University Hospital & Aalborg Universitry, Psychiatric

Department Aalborg & Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of

Medicine, Aalborg, Denmark


Psychiatric Center Copenhagen, Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Center, Mental Health Services, Copenhagen, Denmark


Stockholm Center for Eating Disorders, Family Care Unit, Stockholm,



Medical specialist clinic in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Private

Setting, Copenhagen, Denmark


Psychiatric Center Copenhagen, Lundbeck Foundation Center for

Clinical Intervention and Neuropsychiatric Schizophrenia Research

CINS & Center for Neuropsychiatric Schizophrenia Research CNSR,

Psychiatric Center Glostrup, Copenhagen, Denmark


Aalborg University Hospital, Psychiatric Department Aalborg,

Aalborg, Denmark


Aarhus University Hospital & Aalborg University, Regional Centre of

Child, and Adolescent Psychiatry, Risskov & Department of Clinical

Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Risskov, Denmark

Corresponding author.


Despite an increasing focus on cognitive functions in

eating disorders, only limited and contradictory knowledge regard-

ing the relationship between cognitive functions and anorexia

nervosa symptomatology currently exist.


The aim of this study was to investigate potential

associations between cognitive functions and anorexia nervosa

symptomatology in children and adolescents.


Eating disorder symptoms and cognitive functions were

examined in this cross-sectional, multi-centre study. Diagnostic

scores i.e. BMI, psychological symptoms, and global EDE-16 were

stratified on cognitive function. Children and adolescents suffer-

ing from severe recent-onset anorexia nervosa (


= 94) and healthy

controls (


= 94), between the age 10.6 and 17.9 years (mean age

14.9 years, SD 1.8), participated in the study. The patients were

divided into two groups, respectively above and below the median

of cognitive functions.


The study findings revealed that Global EDE score sig-

nificantly increased with age (


= 0.002, CI 0.08–0.36). Besides this,

no significant associations between low body weight or psycho-

logical symptoms and cognitive functions were found. However, a

large variability in cognitive functions was found on all measure in

patients with anorexia nervosa than healthy controls.


While age seems to be significantly correlated to

symptom burden the study results indicate that patients with

anorexia nervosa is a much more heterogeneous group with regard

to cognition than healthy controls. However, cognitive functions

and anorexia nervosa symptomatology does not appear to be asso-


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Comparative assessment of cognitive

function and mood dynamics in

patients with depression and eating

disorders in the process of treatment

I. Makhortova

1 ,

, O. Shiryaev



LLC “LION-MED”, psychiatry, Voronezh, Russia


Voronezh State Medical University, Psychiatry, Voronezh, Russia

Corresponding author.

Eating disorders of bulimic type are among the most common co-

morbidities with depression. The objective is to evaluate cognitive

function and mood dynamics in patients with depression and eat-

ing disorders in pharmacotherapy. In total, 52 outpatients, who

met criteria for “major depressive episode” (ICD-10), participated.

The level of depression was estimated with Hamilton Depression

rating scale (HAM-D) and cognitive function–Montreal Cognitive

Assessment (MoCa). Sample was divided into two groups. Patients

of group 1 also met criteria for eating disorder of bulimic type and

patients of group 2 did not have any eating disorder. Treatment

included standard doses of SSRI. Assessments were performed after

2, 4 and 8 weeks (D14, D30, D60). The level of HAM-D was signif-

icantly greater (


< 0.05) in eating disorders group (16.75


2.83 in

group 1; 13.04


1.93 in group 2 at screening) and significance was

preserved till D60 (9.39


2.54 in group 1; 6.32


1.27 in group 2 at

D60). Clinically significant antidepressive effect was revealed faster

in group 2 (at D7) compared to group 1 (at D14). Overall score of

MoCA was significantly lower (


< 0.05) in eating disorders group



0.54 in group 1; 23.43


2.32 in group 2 at screening) at all

stages of treatment (23.39


0.78 in group 1; 26.96


3.27 in group

2 at D60) and it reached normal range (25 and more) only in group

2 at D60. Significant change from screening was revealed at D30 at

group 2 and at D60 at group 1.


Eating disorder have an impact on SSRI treatment

efficacy including antidepressive and procognitive effects. It is nec-

essary to reveal eating disorders as a co-morbidity in patients with


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Is there an association between body

uneasiness and aberrant salience in

anorexic patients? A preliminary


L. Mallardo

, B. Campone , T. Tofani , E. Ciampi , E. Corsi ,

C. Baschirotto , C. Appignanesi , L. Lelli , F. Pietrini , F. Rotella ,

V. Ricca , A. Ballerini