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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S303–S364

vitamin D deficiency for others with dark skin. Psychological diver-

sities can be viewed analogously. The thesis that mental illness is an

inevitable consequence of the singular diversity of humanity will

be exemplified by disorders such as ADHD, melancholia, schizo-

phrenia and sociopathy.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Probability analysis of compassion:

Enhancing compassionate care in

psychiatry through mirror neurons

A. Shoka

1 ,

, C. Lazzari



University of Essex, school of health and social care, university of

Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom


North Essex NHS university foundation trust, general adult

psychiatry, Colchester, United Kingdom

Corresponding author.


The probability that psychiatric care becomes

compassionate is higher when individual subjects, groups or orga-

nizations utilizemirror neurons to attunewith the emotional world

of their clients.


To create an algorithm for compassionate care inmen-

tal health by attunement of mirror neurons.


To predict the probability of the occurrence of sympathetic

care in mental health.


Naturalistic observation of health care organizations

identified themajor nodes-agents of the organizational-neural net-

work leading to a compassionate care (events A): individual, group,

organization and society. Negative influences on compassionate

care are (events B) subjective and collective acts.


The probability that compassionate care occurs as a result

of a single mediator’s action was only 0.167 (16%). The probabi-

lity that compassion results from training mirror neurons were as

follows:.Multiple event probability formula:

– probability of event A that occurs P(A) = 0.667 (66%) [positive

subject + group + organization + society)];

– probability of event B that occurs P(B) = 0.333 [negative individual

and group];

– probability that both the events occur P(A

B) = P(A)


P(B) = 0.222

[inhibitory influence];

– probability that either of event occurs P(A

B) = P(A) + P(B)


B) = 0.778.


The probability of organizational compassion (PA) is

high when all the agents interact. As compassion is reinforced by

mirror neurons, a reduction in the number of people involved in

compassionate care also means the final outcome is less likely to


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Exact psychiatry: Six axioms

M.L. Vargas

Complejo Asistencial de Segovia, psychiatry, Segovia, Spain

Psychiatry is a clinical technological practice where the rational

fundaments, methods and knowledge “corpus” have a scientific

nature. The science philosopher Mario Bunge proposes that phi-

losophy, as well as science, may tend to be exact. Philosophy of

science is the rational setting where any scientific discipline can

ascribe sense to its theoretical models and factual sentences. Axio-

matization is themethod to exactify a discipline. By axiomatization,

we can exactify psychiatry as “medicine of the soma”, therefore

avoiding fallacies in the theoretical models we use.


To describe six axioms for the definition of “exact psy-

chiatry” as “medicine of the soma”. Six axioms will be defined and

explained. They are ordered attending to hierarchical and historical


–axiom of the cultural universal of social cohesion: since the anti-

quity all cultures have cultural universals which promote social


–axiom of healing as a form of “isonomia”: health-related cultural

constructs are relatedwith help receiving due to body vulnerability.

It appears with Hippocratic medicine;

–axiom of nosological realism: diseases really exist. They are

biological regularities that accelerate death. It appears in the

17th century;

–axiom of illness subjectivity: the personal impact of disease is

subjective. There exist diseases in patients. It appears in the 20th


–axiom of the unification of neuroscience: psychiatry and neu-

rology have the same ontological reference, brain diseases. It

consolidates in the 21st century;

–axiom of clinical phenomenology as the epistemological specifi-

city of psychiatry: clinical phenomenology characterizes “soma” as

the referring of psychiatry. The future.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


Evaluation of a nonsmoking program

in psychiatric clinic

J. Jaber

, A. Tomé , F. Castro , A. Hollanda , B. Reys

Clínica Jorge Jaber, Saúde Mental, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Corresponding author.


The work evaluates the nonsmoking program suc-

cessful experience, carried out between the years of 2008 and 2015

in a psychiatric clinic in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro,



The program has as objectives to evaluate the treat-

ment of tobacco dependence in patients with disorders for the use

of substances and other psychiatric disorders and the experience

of transforming the therapeutic space of the clinic in a tobacco-free

environment, considering that the use of tobacco is responsible for a

large number of avoidable deaths and other aggravations to health.


The programachieved the objectives, assessing the pro-

motion of the tobacco abstinence in a large number of patients,

through the utilization of pharmacological treatment, cognitive

behavioral psychotherapy, occupational therapy, art therapy and

moderate physical activity.


In a 12-month period, after carrying out the program, 48%

of the assessed patients kept in tobacco abstinence.


The study showed the percentage of patients who

were discharged on tobacco abstinence and the percentage of those

who kept abstemious after 12 months, demonstrating that the

nonsmoking program is an efficient tool in the tobacco dependence

treatment and can be used over a psychiatric hospitalization with

promising results.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Akathisia: Prevalence and risk factors

in patients with psychosis and bipolar


L. Jouini

1 ,

, U. Ouali


, S. Ouanes


, Z. Rania


, R. Jomli


, Y. Zgueb



F. Nacef



Razi hospital, “A” psychiatry department, Tunis, Tunisia