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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S303–S364



To describe the implementation and dissemination expe-

rience of DBT in Egypt.


The implementation of DBT is examined quantitatively.

Numbers were calculated retrospectively from the records at the

implementation start in December 2013 and after 3 years in Sep-

tember 2016.


Number of therapists increased from one team of 2 the-

rapists and one observer to 16 therapists organized in 3 teams plus

4 observers. The initial team, 7 psychiatrists and 2 clinical psycho-

logists, could host and attend the first DBT Intensive Training in the

middle east in 2014. DBT intensive training is the official training

model developed by Dr. Linehan. We started with 8 clients one

group for adults in Alexandria at 2013, increasing to 150 clients

in 12 groups for adults, adolescent and SUD patients in 2016 with

an average increase of 18.75 folds. The team participated and pre-

sented about DBT in 23 local and regional scientific meetings and

hosted two workshops in collaboration with BehavioralTech, the

official training institute.


Although the DBT implementation in Egypt repre-

sented a great challenge, results are showing a promising increase

in the number of trained therapists and participating clients.


Dissemination; DBT; Egypt; Borderline personality


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Physical examination of psychiatric

patients who presented at emergency

department in a tertiary care hospital

in Sultanate of Oman

S. Alhuseini

Oman medical speciality board, Psychiatry, Muscat, Oman


To examine the completeness of physical assessment

of patients presenting with psychiatric problems to the emergency

department (ED).


This was observational study based on a retrospective

review of the medical records of patients who attended the ED

of Sultan Qaboos university hospital and referred to the on-duty

psychiatrist for assessment over a 12-month period. All patients

aged 16 years and above, who presented to the ED with a psy-

chiatric complaint were included in the study. A data collection

sheet was designed to gather each patient’s demographic data such

as age and gender, past psychiatric history, nature of the presen-

ting complaints, thoroughness of physical assessment, medications

prescribed by the ED doctor prior to psychiatric assessment, and

whether the patient was discharged, admitted to a psychiatry.


A total of 202 patients met the inclusion criteria. The

mean age of the patients was 34.2 years. Females represented

56% of the sample. The majority of the study group (60.4%) were

patients with a documented past psychiatric history. Physical exa-

mination was conducted in the ED for 61.4% of the patients, while

vital signs were recorded for 68.8% of them. Approximately, 31% of

the patients required injectable psychotropic medications as tran-

quillizers in the ED. Patients with an isolated psychiatric complaint

coupled with a documented past psychiatric history were more

likely to be referred to the on-call psychiatrist without a physical

examination by the ED doctors.


In our institution, not all patients with psychiatric

presentations had a complete physical examination by the ED doc-


Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


National child developmental and

mental health disorders screening

policy in Thailand

A. Benjaponpitak

Rajanukul institute, department of mental health, Bangkok, Thailand


Developmental disorders and mental health pro-

blems result in less optimal outcomes in children. Although

awareness among the public had been improving, there was pau-

city of early identification frameworks, care pathways as well as

the process of monitoring and evaluation in Thailand.


To develop appropriate National child mental health

policy in Thailand.


To promote developmental and mental health outcomes of



Current child development and mental health research

as well as policy development were reviewed. The framework

of development together with major mental health disorders

screening and intervention among children has been studied and

established as a major policy in Thailand since 2014. The National

developmental screening has been implemented in children aged

9, 18, 30 and 42 months. District level hospitals have been coa-

ched to facilitate Health promotion schools to screen and provide

early intervention for grade 1 students with mental health pro-

blems. Annual data has been collected and analyzed to reflect the

milestones of child development and mental health prevention-

promotion policy in Thailand.


The coverage of National developmental screening ranges

from 70–80% of children. About 20% of preschoolers are at risk of

language delay while nearly 20% of grade 1 children are at risk of

emotional, behavioral and learning problems. Parental awareness

is the major challenge for those with limited financial resources.


Investments in early childhood development are nee-

ded. The pathways to develop the appropriate intervention requires

further collaboration among stakeholders.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


A RCT of a staff training intervention

to promote quality of care in

long-term residential facilities–the

PromQual study

G. Cardoso

, A. Papoila , J. Caldas-de-Almeida

Faculdade de Ciências Médicas Universidade Nova de Lisboa, chronic

diseases research centre CEDOC, Lisbon, Portugal

Corresponding author.


The shift of hospital-based to community-based

mental health care, introduced the need to assess and promote

quality of residential services.


This RCT aimed at assessing the effectiveness of a staff

training intervention to improve quality of care in residential faci-



Twenty-three units with at least 12-hour on-site staff

support per day in Portugal were assessed with the quality instru-

ment for rehabilitative care (QuIRC) filled online by the manager.

A random sample of service users were interviewed using standar-

dised measures of autonomy, experiences of care, quality of life,

and the time user diary (TUD) for level of activity. The intervention

group units (


= 12) received workshops and a four-week hands-

on training of the staff versus TAU in the control group (


= 11). All

units and users were reassessed at 8-months. The staff knowledge

gained during the workshops was assessed using pre- post-test.

Generalized linear mixed effects models were used.