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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S303–S364


In 2015, health professionals were interviewed by using

a ProDeMa


11-item questionnaire that assessed the type and fre-

quency of endured patients’ aggressive behavior, as well as the

conditions capable of producing or preventing it. One-way ANOVA

with Tukey post-hoc test was used for comparisons.


A total of 165/211 (78%) surveyed workers (mean



DE = 44.9


7.7; females = 64.6%) completed the question-

naire, of whom21% employed at the inpatients unit (INP), 37% at the

outpatients unit (OUTP), 42% at the rehabilitation facility (REHAB).

The one-year number of verbal aggressions (VA) was 9766, with

INP (mean


SD = 15.2


29.6) vs. OUTP (mean


SD = 6.2


30.6) vs.

REHAB (mean


SD = 8.4


26.1). The one-year number of physi-

cal aggressions (PA) was 1502, with INP (mean


SD = 3.3



vs. OUTP (mean


SD = 0.1


0.5) vs. REHAB (mean


SD = 0.1



The one-year number of injuries (IN) was 200, with INP



SD = 0.5


1.9) vs. OUTP (mean


SD = 0.1


0.5) vs. REHAB



SD = 0.1


0.2). ANOVA showed significant differences in

terms of mean verbal/physical aggression and injuries among the

three workplaces (


-values = 0.000), with post-hoc Tukey test sho-

wing a significant difference of INP vs. REHAB and OUTP. The most

frequent risk factors identified by the staff for precipitating aggres-

sion included rigid rules (15.1%) and inadequate communication



The three types of violence are common in all facili-

ties of our Department.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


A crossroad in ADHD – adult-onset


A. Ponte

, H. Prata Ribeiro , L. Carvalhão Gil , D. Pereira

Centro hospitalar psiquiátrico de Lisboa, psychiatry, Lisboa, Portugal

Corresponding author.


Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is

a common disorder characterized by inattention or hyperacti-

vity–impulsivity, or both. For a long time, ADHD was thought of

as a disorder of children which would sometimes persist into adul-

thood. DSM 5 uses as a criterion that several symptoms have to be

present prior to age 12 years.


To discuss the findings of 3 recent cohorts that show

the onset of ADHD in adulthood.


A review of selected articles of interest using PubMed



3 large, longitudinal, population studies fromBrazil, New

Zealand (NZ) and the United Kingdom (UK) show that we are at

a crossroads in our understanding of ADHD. In each study, the

prevalence of adult-onset ADHD (Brazil, 10.3%; UK, 5.5%; and NZ,

2.7%) was much larger than the prevalence of childhood-onset

adult ADHD (UK, 2.6%; Brazil, 1.5%; and NZ, 0.3%). They all pro-

pose different conclusions that would result in a paradigmatic shift

in ADHD: in Brazil, that child and adult ADHD are “distinct syn-

dromes”; in the UK, “that adult ADHD is more complex than a

straightforward continuation of the childhood disorder” and in NZ,

that adult ADHD is “not a neurodevelopmental disorder”. Faraone

et al., in an editorial in

JAMA Psychiatry

, propose that these findings

might correlate to subthreshold child ADHD before it emerges as

adolescent- or adult-onset ADHD.


It’s an exciting time in ADHD research. These new

data work as an incentive to study adult-onset ADHD and how it

emerges. Future research will shape our understanding of adult


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The Chinese version of the brief

assessment of cognition in

schizophrenia: Data of a large-scale

Mandarin-speaking population

L.J. Wang

1 ,

, S.T. Hsu



Kaohsiung Chang Gung memorial hospital, department of child and

adolescent psychiatry, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan R.O.C.


Kaohsiung municipal Kai-Syuan psychiatric hospital, department of

community psychiatry, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan R.O.C.

Corresponding author.


The brief assessment of cognition in schizophrenia

(BACS) is a cognitive assessment tool used to measure the broad

aspects of cognition that are most frequently impaired in patients

with schizophrenia. This study aims to develop the normative data

of the Chinese version of the BACS among the Mandarin-speaking



This cross-sectional study included 382 healthy partici-

pants (age range: 19–79 years; mean age: 48.0


16.7 years, 47.6%

male) in Taiwan, who were evaluated with the BACS. Means and

standard deviations of subtests and composite scores were arran-

ged by age group and gender. The Z-scores calculated based on

the U.S. norms were compared to our scores based on the norms

established in the present study.


The raw scores of all the BACS tests (verbal memory, digit

sequencing, token motor test, verbal fluency, symbol coding, and

Tower of London)were negatively correlatedwithparticipants’ age.

Females were superior to males in verbal memory, but inferior to

them in executive function. Furthermore, applying the U.S. norms

of the BACS to determine the performance of the Chinese BACS

results in bias with regard to verbal memory, token motor test,

verbal fluency, symbol coding, Tower of London, and composite



These findings demonstrate that directly applying

Western cognitive norms to a Mandarin-speaking population can

cause biased interpretations. The results of the current study can be

an important reference for clinical settings and research related to

cognitive assessments in Mandarin-speaking Chinese populations.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.

e-Poster Walk: Mental health care; Mental health

policies and migration and mental health of



Dissemination of DBT for borderline

personality disorder in Egypt, facts

and challenges

A. Abdelkarim

1 ,

, D. Nagui Rizk


, A. Ivanoff



Alexandria faculty of medicine, neuropsychiatry, Alexandria, Egypt


Columbia university, school of social work, New York, USA

Corresponding author.


DBT proved to be effective in reducing suicidal beha-

vior, non-suicidal self-injury, psychiatric hospitalization, treatment

dropout, substance use, anger, and depression and improving social

and global functioning in Borderline personality disorder. As a step

towards increasing utilization of evidence based treatments in the

Egyptian healthcare system, the teamat Alexandria university star-

ted a comprehensive DBT program.