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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S303–S364


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The squeezing snake, a psychiatric

presentation of epilepsy: A case report

M. Mangas

, L. B

ravo , Y. Martins , A. Matos Pires

Hospital José-Joaquim Fernandes, mental health and psychiatric

service, Beja, Portugal

Corresponding author.


Epilepsy is considered a complex neurological

disorder with a great variety of clinical presentations that can

resemble psychiatric disorders.


Disclose an unusual clinical case with psychiatric

symptoms as the presentation of epilepsy.


Psychiatric assessments and retrospective reviewof the

clinical file and literature research.


A 40-years-old Romanian woman presented to the psy-

chiatry outpatient service with a history of persistent depressive

mood and disturbed sleep for the past 3 years, complaining of a

feeling that she described as “a snake squeezing around her body,

starting in her left leg and spreading to the rest of her body up

to the neck” associated with a sense of pins and needles, occurring

during night time. She attended general practice, neurosurgery and

psychiatry appointments. Her medical history included “gastritis”

and lower left leg fracture and a pituitary microadenoma revea-

led in brain CT-scan. Blood work, including endocrine tests and

brain-MRI were normal. Her symptoms initially led to diagnosis

of: anxiety, somatization, Ekbom syndrome and depression. She

was treated with antidepressives, antipsychotics and anxiolytics,

without response. After careful reconstruction of the clinical his-

tory and further analyses of her complaints, the diagnosis of focal

sensory jacksonian seizure was made. Levetiracetam introduction

led to symptomatic remission.


Epilepsy includes a variety of neuropsychiatric symp-

toms. This case illustrates that epileptic patients may experience

non-convulsive seizures that might be mistaken as primary psy-

chiatric disorders. Neurologists and psychiatrists must be aware

of this varied presentation while obtaining the medical history in

order to investigate and manage this patient effectively.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


A case of neurosyphilis in a patient

presenting with bipolar mixed

episode suggestive symptoms

M. Martins , R. Fernandes

Centro hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa, psiquiatria geral e

transcultural, Lisbon, Portugal

Corresponding author.


Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by

Treponema pallidum

. Early invasion of the central nervous system

might occur early in the course of the disease. Clinical manifes-

tations may include acute meningeal syphilis, meningovascular

syphilis, paretic neurosyphilis and tabetic neurosyphilis. Psychia-

tric symptoms are often the presenting symptoms of this illness

and the correct diagnosis involves both a high degree of suspicion

and adequate diagnostic tests.


The authors report a case of a patient, with no previous

history ofmental illness, initially admitted in a psychiatric unit with

a clinical picture suggestive of a mixed bipolar disorder episode

who has been diagnosed with neurosyphilis a year after.


Review of clinical records and complementary exams.


By the first admission, the patient presented with

depressed and irritable mood, emotional lability, aggressiveness,

grandiose and racing thoughts. Upon discharge, he was diagnosed

with bipolar disorder and referred to ambulatory unit. The follo-

wing year he starts presenting cognitive deficits and a progressive

loss of autonomy in daily living activities, being referred to neuro-

logy evaluation. A year after the first admission, he is admitted in a

neurology unit and diagnosed with neurosyphilis.


Current prevalence of symptomatic neurosyphilis in

Western Europe is unknown. Atypical cases presenting with hete-

rogeneous psychiatric and neurologic symptoms, with no previous

history of mental illness, should raise a high index of clinical sus-

picion, since consequences for the patient’s health might be severe

if not properly diagnosed and treated.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Reduced left frontal GABA in

ultra-high risk of psychosis patients.

1H MRS study

P. Menshchikov

, T. Akhadov , N. Semenova

Scientific research institute of urgent children’s surgery and trauma,

radiology, Moscow, Russia

Corresponding author.


Some previous findings indicate participation dis-

turbance of balance between excitatory (GABA) and inhibitory (Glu)

neurotransmitters in pathogenesis of schizophrenia. The aim of

this study was to evaluate GABA and GLX levels in the brain of

medicated UHR subjects.


Twenty-one (18–25 years, mean = 19.4, SD = 3.5) right-

handed medicated UHR men and 26 (18–25 years, mean = 19.8,

SD = 2.2) mentally healthy volunteers participated in this study. The

patientswere included in theUHR group in accordancewith criteria

of prodromal states.


1H MRS (MEGA-PRESS pulse sequence [Mescher, NMR

Biomed 1998;11:266]) was used for GABA and GLX detection.

Volumes of interest in size of 30




30mm were placed in the

left and right frontal lobes in the areas of the anterior cingulate

cortex (ACC)

( Fig. 1 ).


The main effects on the GABA/Cr (


[45] = 4.17,


< 0.01)

( Fig. 2 A

) and GABA/GLX (


[45] = 2.84,


< 0.01)

( Fig. 2 B

), were found

in the left ACC (t[45] = 4.17,


< 0.01), with the patients having lower

GABA/Cr and GABA/GLX ratios as compared to the control group.

Also significant negative correlation (





= 0.04) between

GABA/Cr in the right ACC and the current daily dosage of antipsy-

chotic medication in CPZ-Eq was found

( Fig. 3 ).


This study reveals for the first time a significant

reduction of (GABA) (25%) and GABA/GLX ratio (20%) in left AC of

UHR subjects. According to (de la Fuente-Sandoval, Int J Neuropsy-

chopharmacol 2015;19[3]) and association of (GABA) with daily

dosage of medication found, this reduction may be caused by the

antipsichotic treatment.

Fig. 1

1H MRS VOI localizations.