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25th European congress of psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S365–S404



Efficacy of F17464, a new preferential

D3 antagonist in a placebo-controlled

phase 2 study of patients with an

acute exacerbation of schizophrenia

I. Bitter , M. Groc , C. Delsol , C. Fabre , M. Fagard , L. Barthe ,

F. Gaudoux , V. Brunner , F. Brackman , F. Tonner

Institut de recherche Pierre-Fabre, France

Corresponding author.


F17464 is a new highly potent preferential D3

antagonist, 5-HT1A and weak D2 partial agonist, with confirmed

antipsychotic-like activity in animal models. In healthy volunteers,

F17464 had a good safety and tolerability profile. A PET-scan study

determined a high D3 occupancy rate up to 22 h after a single dose.


The primary objective was to evaluate the efficacy of

40mg/day of oral F17464 in comparison to placebo.


This double-blind, parallel group, multicenter study

included patients with acute exacerbation of schizophrenia treated

for 6 weeks as antipsychotic monotherapy. Patients were hos-

pitalised for the first 3 weeks of treatment, then continued as



The 144 randomized patients had a baseline PANSS mean

(SD) total score was 89.6 (9.5). The change from baseline of PANSS

total score to Day 43 on the FAS (LOCF), showed a statistically sig-

nificant difference in favor of F17464 over placebo: adjusted mean

(SE) change

13.5 (2.1) on F17464 and

7.8 (2.2) on placebo with

a treatment effect estimate

5.7 (2.7). The 20% or 30% response

rate was statistically higher in the F17464 group (47.2% and 25.0%)

compared to the placebo group (30.6% and 13.9%). The incidence

of treatment-emergent adverse events was slightly higher in the

F17464 group (70.8%) than in the placebo group (62.5%). There

were no clinically-relevant hepatic, metabolic, or cardiovascular

abnormalities. No EPS was reported under F17464.


This is the first D3 antagonist that proves efficacy. The

results of this phase 2 study also demonstrate the favorable safety

profile of F17674 when compared to placebo.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Stigma in early detection of psychosis:

Subjective experiences of those


M. Uttinger

1 ,

, C. Rapp


, E. Studerus


, K. Beck



A. Riecher-Rössler



Psychiatric Services Solothurn, Ambulatorium, Olten, Switzerland


Psychiatric Services Solothurn, Center for the treatment of psychotic

disorders, Solothurn, Switzerland


University of Basel Psychiatric Hospital, Center for Gender Research

an Early Detection, Basel, Switzerland

Corresponding author.


Despite the large scientific debate concerning

potentially stigmatizing effects of informing an individual about

being in an at-riskmental state (ARMS) for psychosis, studies inves-

tigating this topic are rare and quantitative assessment of this kind

of stigmatization does not exist so far.


This study presents first results regarding potentially

helpful or stigmatizing effects of being informed about an ARMS

assessed with a newly developed quantitative self-rating (FePsy-

Stigma questionnaire).


Forty ARMS patients participating in the prospective

Basel Early Detection of Psychosis (FePsy) study as well as patients

clinically assessed in the early detection service of the Psychiatric

Services of Solothurn, completed the FePsy-Stigma questionnaire

during their follow-up assessments at least six months after they

had been informed about their increased risk of developing psy-

chosis. The questionnaire was constructed based on a previous

qualitative study and on adapted versions of formerly used instru-

ments for assessing stigma in mental health (Internalized Stigma

of Mental Illness Scale, Personal Beliefs and Experiences Question-



Stigmatization appeared to be low overall except for

social withdrawal due to suspected stigma. Stigma resistance,

stereotype awareness and expected discrimination scored consid-

erably higher than actually experienced discrimination, alienation

and stereotype endorsement.


The results suggest that early detection services

help individuals cope with symptoms and build certain resilience

toward potential stigmatization, rather than enhancing or causing

the latter. In line with previous studies, our results indicate that

there is a considerable difference between expected and actually

experienced discrimination as well as between stereotype aware-

ness and stereotype endorsement.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Sex-specific effect of intranasal

vasopressin, but not oxytocin, on

emotional recognition and perception

in schizophrenia patients

L. Vadas

1 ,

, B. Bloch


, R. Levin


, I. Shalev


, S. Israel



F. Uzefovsky


, R. Bachner-Melman


, A. Reshef


, R.P. Ebstein



I. Kremer



Emek Medical Center, Psychiatry Department, Haifa, Israel


Herzog Memorial Hospital, Psychology Department, Jerusalem,



Hadassah Medical School, Hebrew University, Neurobiology

Department, Jerusalem, Israel


Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Psychology Department, Jerusalem,



National University of Singapore, Psychology Department,

Singapore, Singapore


Flügelman’s Mazor Mental Health Medical Center, Mental Health

Medical Center, Acre, Israel

Corresponding author.


Impairments in social behavior and cognition, such

as the ability to identify others’ emotional state, are important fea-

tures in schizophrenia. Arginine vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin

(OXT) and are nonapeptides that influence social cognition and

behavior. Previous studies have shown that the administration of

intranasal AVP or OXTmay affect the ability to recognize facial emo-

tions. The primary objective of this study was to investigate the

effects of a single dose of AVP or OXT on social cognition in patients

with schizophrenia. The secondary objective of the studywas to test

for sex-specific effects of intranasal AVP and OXT administration on

social cognition.


In this double-blind, placebo-control, cross-over study,

34 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia or schizo-affective dis-

order, received a dose of AVP, OXT or placebo in three separate

meetings. Forty-five minutes after administration, subjects per-

formed facial emotion recognition tasks.


There were no significant main effects of hormone

administration on the ability to recognize facial emotions between

treatment conditions. However, AVP administration resulted in

sex-specific differences in emotion recognition. Specifically, in

men, AVP administration reduced the ability to recognize angry

faces. In women, AVP administration reduced the ability to recog-

nize sad faces and improved the ability to recognize fearful faces.


These findings indicate that intranasal AVP may

affect the recognition of facial emotions differently in men and