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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S69–S105


clinical services across Italy. A part of the sample was also assessed

for psychopathology through the use of DASH-II, PDD-MRS and

clinically diagnosed in accordance to DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5 crite-



SPAID internal consistency, inter-rater reliability and

concordance with DASH-II and PDD-MRS resulted to be good.

Around 40% of the sample was assessed to have a cluster of

psychopathological symptoms that could be consistent with a psy-

chiatric diagnosis. Autism, impulse control disorder andpersonality

disorder resulted to be the most frequent over threshold scores.


The SPAID-G seems to be a valid and cost-effective

screening tool for the psychiatric assessment within the Italian

population with ID.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Traumatic experiences affect negative

emotion processing in bipolar


G. Sepede

1 , 2 ,

, F. Gambi


, D. De Berardis


, G. Di Iorio



M.-G. Perrucci


, F. Ferretti


, R. Santacroce


, G.-L. Romani



M. Di Giannantonio



University “G. d’Annunzio”, Department of Neuroscience – Imaging

and Clinical Sciences, Chieti, Italy


University “A. Moro”, Department of Basic Medical Sciences –

Neurosciences and Sense Organs, Bari, Italy


National Health Trust, Department of Mental Health, Teramo, Italy


National Health Trust, Department of Mental Health, Chieti, Italy

Corresponding author.


Patients affected by bipolar disorder type I (BD-I)

show a significant emotional impairment during both acute and

euthymic phases of the illness, but the influence of negative life

experiences is not yet fully understood.


Aim of the present study was to investigate the role

of previous traumatic events on negative emotion processing in

euthymic BD-I patients.


Eighteen euthymic BD-I patients, 7 reporting past trau-

matic events (T-BD-I), but free of post-traumatic stress disorder

(PTSD) symptoms at the moment of the evaluation and 11 never

exposed to traumas (NT-BD-I), were compared to 24 not trau-

matized controls (NC). All participants performed a IAPS-based

emotional task: theywere required to identify vegetable items (tar-

gets) among neutral or negative pictures. Accuracy (percentage of

correct responses) and mean reaction times (RT) were recorded.


T-BD-I performed similarly to NC and significantly better

than NT-BD-I in terms of accuracy

( Fig. 1 ).

No significant between-

group effects were observed for mean RT.


A previous history of traumatic events, without

current PTSD symptoms, may significantly impact the negative

emotion processing in euthymic BD-I. Interestingly, traumatized

patients showed a better accuracy when processing both neutral

and negative images, thus suggesting that paying more attention

to external stimuli may be a successful compensatory mechanism

to cope with potential environmental threats.

Fig. 1

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


A simple composite dynamic digital

tool to communicate complex

physical and mental health needs and

measure outcomes: The Cornwall

health radar

R. Shankar

, C. Quick , J. Dawson , P. Annal

Cornwall Foundation NHS Trust, ID neuropsychiatry, Truro, United


Corresponding author.


Clinician-patient communication is a major factor

in influencing outcomes of healthcare. Complexity increases if an

individual has multiple health needs requiring support of different

clinicians or agencies.


To develop and evidence a simple dynamic computerised

tool to capture and communicate outcomes of intervention or alter-

ation in clinical need in patientswithmultiple chronic health needs.


A MS Excel algorithm was designed for swift capture

of clinical information discussed in an appointment using pre-

designed set of evidenced based domains. An instant personalized

single screen visual is produced to facilitate information sharing

and decision-making. The display is responsive to compare changes

across time. A prototype was conceptually tested in an epilepsy

clinic for people with Intellectual disability (ID) due to the unique

challenges posed in this population.


Evidence across 300 patients with ID and epilepsy

showed the tool works by enhancing reflective communication,

compliance and therapeutic relationship. Medication and appoint-

ment compliance was 95% and patient satisfaction over 90%.


To discuss all influencing health factors in a consulta-

tion is a communication challenge esp. if the patient has multiple

health needs. A picture equals 1000 words and helps address the

cognitive complexity of verbal information. The radar offers an

evidenced based common framework to host care plans of differ-

ent health conditions. It provides individualised easy view person

centred care plans to allow patients to gain insight on how the dif-