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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S69–S105


depending on the age of the participants. Data was then analyzed

using multiple linear regressions.


The total sample comprised of 1027 participants; 675

persons aged 25–50 years and 352 persons aged 51–65 years.

The sample contained roughly equal number of men (52.8%) and

women (47.2%) The full model explained 59,79% variance and was

highly significant F (18,1008) = 85,76,


= 001. Some factors that par-

ticipants feel like could help them reduce the stress in workplace

and subsequently reduce the burnout are longer holidays, lowering

the administration burden, better work place conditions and lastly

increasing the authority a person has in a given work place.


The study has shown an association between work-

stress and burnout and thus in order to prevent burnout with it

related job absence certain precaution steps should be made. The

reoccurring theme that would seem to improve the situation is

decreasing the administrative work that is unrelated to the profes-

sion as well as increasing the powers the employees have in their


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Influence of gender in patients

attended in emergency rooms for

suicidal tendencies

B. Mata Saenz

, E. Segura Escobar , E. Lopez Lavela ,

L.-M. Asensio Aguerri , L. Nuevo Fernandez , T. Rodriguez Cano ,

L. Beato Fernández

Hospital General Ciudad Real, Psychiatry, Ciudad Real, Spain

Corresponding author.


The first timewhenpeople attempt suicide first con-

tact is critical. Psychiatrists must decide to hospitalize them or

follow-up in mental health units and the bases of a doctor-patient

relationship are formed.


An analysis of referrals to psychiatry from the emer-

gency room (ER) was developed. Our objective was to discover if

there was a statistical correlation between gender and other vari-

ables, especially repeated visits and admissions.


Our sample was composed of patients who visited the

ER for suicidal tendencies for 20 months. We carried out an obser-

vational retrospective study. The variables collected were: age,

gender, cause, repeated visit (visit to the ER in the following two

months), previous attempts, previous follow-up, method used, use

of toxic substances during the attempt, intentionality, referral from

the ER, later follow-up and diagnostic impression at the ER.


A total of 620 patients were sampled. The relationship

between gender and repeated visit, previous attempts, dysfunc-

tional personality traits, use of substances and later follow-up was

found (Chi


). Although the relationship between admissions and

gender were not statistically significant, influence by gender (over

all in males) can be observed in logistic regression models. As well

as, in patients who visited the ER several times, dysfunctional per-

sonality traits seem to be the most common but gender marks

significant differences between groups.


The data obtained is consistent with those reported

in previous studies. To know who the riskier groups are can allow

professionals to plan protocols and unify admission criteria.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Risk of mental disorders and

difficulties or conflict in relationships

in young adults

S. Gorbe˜na , P. Penas

, E. Calvete , I. Crespo , I. Iraurgi

University of Deusto, Department of Personality–Assessment and

Psychological Treatment, Bilbao, Spain

Corresponding author.


Higher risk of mental health problems has been

linked with problems in relationships, including the experience

of relational conflict with significant others and peers. Conversely,

positive relations with others have been established as a key factor

of psychological well being.


We hypothesized that psychological maladjustment

will be related to the number, nature and severity of relational

stressors. Furthermore, there would be a higher likelihood of risk of

mental disorders for those who experience more relational hard-

ships and of greater severity. Positive relations with others will

protect from risk of mental health problems.


A total of 4461 university students completed a health

and well-being survey, including the GHQ-12 (centesimal and 3-

point cut-off scores), Ryff psychological well-being scale and a scale

of 25 life stressors. Indexes of number and severity of difficulties

in relationships were calculated with 10 items including romantic

partners, friends, family, and classmates.


Correlations were significant. Logistic regression showed

a risk effect for all stressors with OR values above 1.32. Over-

all perceived severity had the highest value (OR = 2.38, 95%

CI = 2.16–2.61) and amongst the 10 stressors, gender related

abuse/violence was also the highest (OR = 1.90, 95% CI = 1.73–2.09).

Positive relations showed a protective effect (OR = 0.60, 95%

CI = 0.56–0.54).


Findings can inform health promotion, prevention

and therapeutic interventions so as to improve the quality of

personal relationship and conflict management skills, and to

strengthen well-being associated with positive relations with oth-

ers. Academic institutions committed to student welfare and the

promotion of healthy environments should play a major role in

young adults’ mental health.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Clinical prediction of suicide attempt

in schizophrenia using a machine

learning approach

V. De Luc

, A. Bani Fatemi , N. Hettige

CAMH, psychiatry, Toronto, Canada

Corresponding author.


Suicide is a major concern for those afflicted by

schizophrenia. Identifying patients at the highest risk for future

suicide attempts remains a complex problem for psychiatric inter-

vention. Machine learningmodels allow for the integration of many

risk factors in order to build an algorithm that predicts which

patients are likely to attempt suicide. Currently, it is unclear how

to integrate previously identified risk factors into a clinically rel-

evant predictive tool to estimate the probability of a patient with

schizophrenia for attempting suicide.


We conducted a cross-sectional assessment on a sam-

ple of 345 participants diagnosed with schizophrenia spectrum

disorders. Suicide attempters and non-attempters were clearly

identifiedusing the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS)

and the Beck Suicide Ideation Scale (BSS). We developed two clas-

sification algorithms using a regularized regression and random