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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S106–S169


Similarly, the average number of suicide attempts among patients

with cannabis addiction was significantly higher than the group

without cannabis addiction.


Aggressive drug abuse treatment immediately after

a first psychiatric hospitalisationmight decrease rates of recurrence

and new cases of cannabis use disorder in the course of bipolar


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The role of micrornas in regulating

redox modulation in bipolar disorder

H. Kim

1 ,

, K. Tyryshkin


, N. Elmi


, V. Oliviera


, A. Andreazza



H. Feilotter



Queen’s University, Pathology and Molecular medicine, Kingston,



University of Toronto, Department of Psychiatry, Toronto, Canada


University of Toronto, Departments of Pharmacology and

Psychiatry, Toronto, Canada

Corresponding author.


Alterations in redox modulation are consistently

reported in bipolar disorder (BD). MicroRNAs are targeted regu-

lators of gene expression.

Objectives and aims

We aimed to examine if microRNAs that tar-

get redox modulators can discriminate between BD and healthy



Data from brains of individuals with and without BD

were obtained fromArray Collection datasets. MicroRNAs targeting

redoxmodulators were assessed for their ability to discriminate BD

from the control group using machine-learning algorithms. Meth-

ylation of microRNAs, expression of their transcription factors and

redox targets were assessed with ANCOVAwith FDR correction. For

validation, we acquired plasma samples belonging to 2 families of

individuals with and without BD (


= 9). Plasma microRNAs were

sequenced using the Ion Total RNA Sequencing Kit (Thermo Fisher

Scientific), and microRNAs identified from the in silico analysis

were examined in the validation dataset.


We identified 5 miRNAs (hsa-miR-299, hsa-miR-125a,

hsa-miR-145, hsa-miR-30b, hsa-miR424) thatwere common in two

of the four in silico datasets. Target genes glutathione peroxidase 4,

ATP5A1, ATP5G1, NDUFS1, NDUFC2, and catalase were expressed

at different levels between BD and the control group. Further-

more, our results showed that transcription factors CTCF and USF1

might control the expression of hsa-miR-145, while methylation

differences were not found. Finally, hsa-miR-30b was significantly

increased in the plasma of patients with BD compared to controls

in the validation experiment.


Our study demonstrates that microRNAs may have

an important role in the initiation of redox changes in BD.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Co-morbid obsessive-compulsive

disorder and bipolar disorder in

highly endogamous population:

Which came first?

A. Bener

Istanbul Unıversity, Biostatistics and Publıc Health, Istanbul, Turkey

The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of

co-morbidity with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) among

bipolar disorder (BD) patients in order to assess the impact of

OCD on the socio-demographic and clinical features of patients

in a highly endogamous population. A cohort study was carried

out on 396 patients enrolled between November 2011 to October

2013. We employed the WHO Composite International Diagnos-

tic Interview (WHO-CIDI) and Structured Clinical Interview for

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth

Edition-IV/Clinical Version for diagnoses, the Yale-Brown Obses-

sive Compulsive Scale SymptomChecklist for scoring OCD. Patients

were grouped in BD patients with OCD (BD-OCD) and BD patients

without OCD.

Groups were compared for socio-demographic and clinical vari-

ables. There were no significant differences for age, gender, BMI,

andmarital status, between BD patients with and without OCD. We

found significant differences in level of education (


= 0.022), occu-

pation status (


= 0.025), household income, (


= 0.049), cigarette

smoking (


= 0.038), sheesha smoking (


= 0.007), and prevalence

of consanguinity (


= 0.036) among these groups. Number of hospi-

talizations and Young Mania Rating Scale score were not different

among BD patients with or without OCD whereas there were sig-

nificant differences in Hamilton-Depression score, Clinical Global

Impression-BD Score, duration of illnesses, and Global Assessment

of Functioning (GAF). Also specific phobia, somatization, depres-

sion, mania, any mood disorder, oppositional defiant disorder,

ADHD and personality disorder were more common in BD than

OCD–BD group. This study confirms that BD-OCD is a common co-

morbidity, largely under-recognized in clinical practice, whichmay

significantly change BD presentation and outcome.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


A comparison between manic patients

with or without antipsychotic

continuation treatment: Data from a

12-months follow-up study at mood

disorder unit of San Raffaele–Turro


S. Brioschi

1 ,

, D. Delmonte


, C. Locatelli


, L. Franchini



B. Barbini


, C. Colombo



IRCCS San Raffaele-Turro, Division of Neuroscience, Milano, Italy


Vita-Salute University, San Raffaele Hospital, Division of

Neuroscience, Milano, Italy

Corresponding author.


Several studies suggest that in severe bipolars there

is a long-term benefit in continuing antipsychotic therapy plus a

mood stabilizer also after remission from a manic episode. Nev-

ertheless, the long-term use of antipsychotics is associated with

significant side effects which can interferewith patient global func-

tioning. In this sense, antipsychotics should not be continued unless

the benefits outweight the risks.


The present study describes the course of illness

between bipolar patients remitted from a manic episode, in con-

tinuation treatment with or without antipsychotic therapy during

a 12-months follow-up period.


Cinquante-six bipolars (22 male and 44 female) remit-

ted (Young < 12) froma severemanic episodewere observed during

a 12-months follow-up. According to clinical judge, as continuation

treatment, 21/56 (37.5%) took antipsychotic plus mood stabilizer

(AP +MS); 35/56 (62.5%) took mood stabilizers monotherapy (MS).

During follow-up period YMRS and HAM-D were administered at

6th and 12th month to verify remission.


At the end of follow-up up, 33/56 patients (58.9%) main-

tained remission, 23/56 (41.1%) relapsed (56.5% depressive, 31.4%

manic). The greater number of relapses occurredwithin 6thmonth:

16/56 (28.8%). In AP +MS group 12/21 patients relapsed (57.14%); in