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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S170–S237




0.01). A psychiatrist or paediatrician confirmed the diag-

nosis in 113 (83.1%). Sixty-two (45.3%) of YP were prescribed

medication, 50 (36.8%) were referred for parental skills course and

55 (40.4%) psychotherapy. Meanwaiting time for first appointment

was 187.6 days (CI


26.9, 0–720), and first specialist review was

301.0 days (CI


34.4, 0–800)

( Tables 1–3 ).


The incidence for YP (3–16 years) with ADHD on

treatment was lower than the US. Sincemost pre-diagnostic assess-

ments were carried out by other services, this raised the question

about the reliability and validity. We recommend a diagnostic MDT

meeting following the multimodal assessment to diagnose ADHD.

Medication prescribing followed NICE overall, standardising non-

pharmacological management is required.

Table 1

Assessment available at intake multidisciplinary team


Table 2

Young people prescribed medication.

Table 3

Medical assessment for young people on treatment.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


High Bdi-21 scores in adolescents

without depression are associated

with negative self-image, immature

and neurotic defense styles and

adverse life events

E.M. Savilahti

1 ,

, H. Haravuori

1 , 2

, M. Rytilä-Manninen



N. Lindberg


, M. Marttunen

1 , 2


Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki,

Adolescent Psychiatry, Helsinki, Finland


National Institute for Health and Welfare, Department of Health,

Mental Health Unit, Helsinki, Finland


Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki,

Forensic Psychiatry, Helsinki, Finland

Corresponding author.


Structured self-reports, such as Beck’s Depression

Inventory (BDI) are widely used in assessing adolescents’ psycho-

logical wellbeing.


To investigate what factors are associated with dis-

crepancies between BDI scores and diagnostic assessment in

adolescent psychiatric patients and general population.


To recognizewhat factorsmay contribute to high BDI scores

besides depressive symptoms.


The study population consisted of 206 adolescents

(13–17 years old) who were hospitalised for the first time in ado-

lescent psychiatry and 203 age and gender matched adolescents

recruited from schools in the same region. Study subjects filled

self-reports on depression symptoms (BDI-21), substance misuse

(AUDIT), psychiatric symptoms (SCL-90), defense styles (DSQ-40)

and self-image (OSIQ). Diagnostics was based on K-SADS-PL inter-

view, and/or clinical interview and clinical records when available.

Information on background and life events was gathered from

study subjects.


We compared subjects who scored in BDI-21 either 0–15

points or 16–63 points firstly among subjects who did not fill diag-

nostic criteria for current unipolar depression and secondly among

those who did fulfill the diagnostic criteria. High BDI-21 scores in

subjects without depression diagnosis were associatedwith female

sex, older age, several adverse life events, higher psychiatric co-

morbidity, worse self-image and more immature, neurotic and

image-distorting defense styles (and less mature defense style).

Low BDI-21 scores among subjects with depression diagnosis were

associated with male sex, more positive self-image and less imma-

ture defense style.


High BDI-21 scoresmay reflect a broad range of chal-

lenges in an adolescent’s psychological development even in the

absence of depression.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


School violence: Characterization of

occurrence’s records of a public high

school institution

E. Scherer

1 ,

, Z. Scherer


, L. Cavalin


, J. Rodrigues



Ribeirão Preto Medical School Hospital of the University of São

Paulo, Neurosciences and Behavioral Sciences, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil


University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing,

Psychiatric Nursing and Human Sciences, Ribeirão Preto-São Paulo,


Corresponding author.


Acts of indiscipline, incivility and violence are com-

mon in the school environment and reflect on physical and mental

health of those involved.