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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S170–S237

lescence is characterized by executive functioning difficulties in

behavioral inhibition, attentional flexibility, and decision-making.

Executive functions were compared in adolescents with recent

(past year) appearance of OCD symptoms (


= 40) and control

group (


= 40). Three computerized tests within the CANTAB bat-

tery were completed by all subjects (the Affective Go/No Go task,

the Intra-Dimensional, Extra-Dimensional Set-Shifting task, and

the Decision-Making task). Using one-way ANOVA showed that

compared with control group, the OCD adolescents displayed a

bias towards negative stimuli with less errors on sad and hope-

less words on the Affective Go/No Go task. They also made faster

decisions while they bet more of their available points compared to

controls, in the Decision-Making task. Adolescents with recent OCD

diagnosis (less than one year) showed greater attention towards

sad and hopeless stimuli and more impulsive behavior when mak-

ing decisions. However, they were able to switch attentional set to

neutral stimuli. These findings suggest that executive functioning

impairments can characterize adolescence OCD from early begin-

ning of the disorder.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


Comparison of learning disabilities in

reading, math, spelling and academic

progress of children with attention

deficit disorder with hyperactivity and

normal children at elementary


M. Nazer

1 ,

, O. Hamid



Rafsanjan University of Medical sciences, psychiatry, Kerman, Iran


Rafsanjan University of Medical sciences, pediatric, Kerman, Iran

Corresponding author.

Learning disabilities and attention deficit disorder with hyperactiv-

ity of important issues should be considered in elementary school

students. The aim of this study was comparison learning disor-

ders, reading, spelling, math and achievement among students in

elementary school grades in Bandar Abbas. For this purpose, 384

students were randomly selected. Instruments for gathering data


– k-Math test;

– test spelling disorder (Fallahchai test);

– reading test (Baezat test);

– CSI-4.

Factor analysis of variance test was used to analyze of data. The

results showed that in the scale of dyslexia, there were more

disorders in the children with attention deficit disorder in read-

ing errors, comprehension and reading speed than normal group.

In mathematical disorder scale, there were significant difference

between the two groups of children with attention deficit disor-

der with hyperactivity and normal children. Then, the children

with attention deficit disorder had higher disorders in opera-

tions math, mathematical concepts, mathematical applications,

and general score math. The scale of the problem dictates there

were significant difference between the two groups of children

with attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity and normal chil-

dren. Then, the children with attention deficit disorder had higher

disorders in problem dictates. In academic achievement, the chil-

dren with attention deficit disorder had lower mean in academic

achievement. Finally, the results showed that age, gender, and their

interaction had no significant impact on learning disorders, based

on attention deficit disorder and normal groups.


Attention deficit hyperactivity with mathematics

disorder; Reading disorder; Dictates disorder; Academic


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Analysis of applied behavior

treatment for children with autism

spectrum disorder

A. Nunez Rodriguez

1 ,

, Y . H


2 , G.


3 ,

M.C. Jiménez Martinez


, M.C. Jimenez


, G. Guzman



Y. Hernandez


, A.L. Nunez



Victory BRT Institute, Pediatric Psychiatrist, Hialeah, USA


Victory BRT Institute, Office Manager, Hialeah, USA


Victory BRT Institute, Lead Analyst, Hialeah Florida, USA


Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Grupo

Desarrollo Humano Cognición y Educacion, Tunja, Colombia

Corresponding author.

According to Boesch et al., people with autism spectrum disorder

(ASD) are at a greater risk of developing harmful behaviors, such

as self-aggression and other challenging behaviors than individuals

with normal development do not exhibit. The method of approach

that is supported by scientific evidence for interventional proce-

dures is applied behavior analysis, reported by Carr et al.

[1] .


In order to provide evidence-based intervention for autism

from this approach in practice.


In reference to a longitudinal approach, an intervention

programwas designed and implemented to serve 40 children with

ASD, who were treated for one (1) year at the Victory BRT Institute

in Florida, US. The behaviors targeted for reduction (excess behav-

ioral), are the following: physical aggression, self-aggression and

non-compliance. The program began with a baseline (12 consecu-

tive days) with observations at home and others different natural

contexts. The last three (3) months of the year consisted of monthly

follow-up sessions to monitor the treatment implemented. The

results were analyzed by repeatedmeasures, ANOVA Sig (


= 0.003)



= 8). Analyses show that the critical level associated with the

effect of time-content interaction is strong, so the treatment gen-

erated a positive effect by reducing the behaviors targeted in time.


These results provide evidence that interventions

from applied behavior analysis are effective.


Autism spectrum disorder; Applied behavioral

analysis; Child; Adolescent

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


[1] Carr ME, Moore DW, Anderson A. Self-management interven-

tions on students with autism a meta-analysis of single-subject

research. Exceptional Children 2014.


Pharmacogenomics and efficacy of

risperidone long-term treatment in

Thai autistic children and adolescence

N. Nuntamool

1 ,

, N .


2 , N.


3 ,

A. Puangpetch


, M. Chamnanphon


, Y. Hongkaew


, P. Limsila



C. Sukasem



Mahidol University, Molecular medicine, Bangkok, Thailand


Yuwaprasart Waithayopathum Child and Adolescent Psychiatric

Hospital, Department of Mental Health Services, Samut Prakarn,



Division of Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine,

Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital,

Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand

Corresponding author.