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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S170–S237


To characterize conflict records made by students,

teachers/others and parents/guardians in a Brazilian high school



Qualitative research, exploratory documental. Studied

113 records from 2014 to 2016.


“Indiscipline and Incivility”–75 records (66 by tea-

chers/others and 9 by students) of students: improper use of

clothes and accessories, cell phone use in class, not bringing

material, dating in school, conversations during class, do not

respect the timetables, inappropriate jokes, disrupting activities,

theft of materials and disrespect toward authority figures. “School

violence”–22 records (12 by students, 9 by teachers/others and 1

by parent/guardian) of school violence: physical violence between

students, psychological/verbal between students/teachers/others,

and a match of sexual abuse. Three records (by teachers/others)

of violence against the school: students destroyed teaching and

cleaning materials and caused damage to the patrimony. Fifteen

records (12 by students, 2 by parents/guardians and 1 by teacher) of

school’s violence: teachers’ harassment (excessive rigor in regard to

school performance, clutter in the ratings, refusal to clarify doubts

and inappropriate criticismon student’s behavior) and institutional

negligence (teachers’ delay, lack of clarification on teaching orga-

nization and supervision in practical activities).


Some students’ acts of indiscipline and incivility can

be protests against the social control of the school. Assistance

in case of conflicts and violence as well as preventive measures

must be based on interdisciplinary and inter-sectorial articulation


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Mothers mental health of children

with attention deficit/hyperactivity

disorder (ADHD)

Z. Sepehrmanesh

Kashan University of Medical Sciences, psychiatry

department-medical faculty, Kashan, Iran


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is

the most common neuropsychiatric disorder in pediatric popu-

lations with an early onset. Mental health of mother can effect

on child mental health and relation between mother and child

is very important. The aim of this study was investigation about

mental health of mothers with children suffering from attention

deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Materials and methods

This cross sectional study was carried out

on 100mothers of childrenwithADHDdiagnosis (Kashan, Iran). The

data collection instruments included the Goldberg’s General Health

Questionnaire, and the questionnaire form includes the personal

information and the variables associated to mental health.


The total means score of GHQ in the mothers’ was



11/78. Fifty-eight percent of themothers havemental health

problem. The highestmean score in the sub scaleswas related to the

anxiety subscale (7.73) and the most common mental health prob-

lem in these mothers was anxiety problems (11%). Mental health

problem is most common inmothers with low socio-economic sta-

tus, younger age than 30 years old, education lower than diploma

degree, householder mothers, single, having boy child with ADHD,

having child more than 9 years old.


According to the results of this study, 58% of the

mothers have mental health problem. So with screening and on

time diagnosis and treatment, we can prevent disadvantage effects

of these problems on social and mental health of their children.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


Factors associated with depression

severity in adolescence

G. Serra

1 ,

, M.P. Casini


, V. Maggiore


, R.J. Baldessarini



S. Vicari



Pediatric Hospital Bambino Gesu’, Department of Neuroscience,

Roma, Italy


Harvard Medical School, Department of Psychiatry, Boston, USA

Corresponding author.


Severe depression is greatly impairing during ado-

lescence and involves a high risk for suicidal behaviors.

Objectives and aims

Identify clinical and demographic factors

associated with severity of depression in adolescents diagnosed

with a major mood disorder so as to improve clinical treatment

and prevent suicidal behaviors.


We analyzed factors associated with depression sever-

ity in 145 severely ill adolescents diagnosed with a major affective

disorder using the K-SADS (Kiddie-Schedule for Affective Disor-

ders and Schizophrenia) at the Mood Disorder Outpatient Program

of Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital (Rome). Depressive and

manic symptoms were rated with the CDRS-R (Children’s Depres-

sion Rating Scale-Revised) and K-SADS-MRS (Mania Rating Scale),

respectively. Bivariate comparisonswere followed bymultivariable

linear regression modeling.


Depression severity was greater among females than

males (mean CDRS scores: 53.0 vs. 42.8;


< 0.0001) and with

major depressive versus bipolar disorder diagnosis (50.4 vs. 45.4;


= 0.001). Manic symptoms, including irritability, mood lability,

crowded thoughts, delusions, and insomnia, were more likely with

more severe depression; their number and severity correlated with

CDRS-R total score (respectively,


= 1.53 and 5.44;both


< 0.0001).

Factors independently and significantly associated with CDRS-R

depression score in multivariate modeling were:

– presence of suicidal ideation;

– absence of ADHD;

– female sex;

– greater number of manic symptoms.


Severe depression was associated withmanic symp-

toms and with suicidal ideation among adolescents diagnosed

with either bipolar or major depressive disorders. This relationship

should be considered in treatment planning and suicide prevention,

including consideration of mood-stabilizing and antimanic agents

in the treatment of severe adolescent depression.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Pediatric mania: The controversy

between euphoria and irritability

G. Serra

1 ,

, M. Uchida


, C. Battaglia


, M.P. Casini


, L. De Chiara



J. Biederman


, S. Vicari


, J. Wozniak



Pediatric Hospital Bambino Gesu’, Department of Neuroscience,

Roma, Italy


Harvard Medical School, Department of Pediatric

Psychopharmacology, Boston, USA


Harvard Medical School, Department of Psychiatry, Boston, USA

Corresponding author.


Pediatric bipolar disorder (BD) is a highly morbid

pediatric psychiatric disease, consistently associated with family

psychiatric history of mood disorders, with high levels of morbidity

and disability and with a great risk of suicide.


While there is a general consensus on the symptoma-

tology of depression in childhood, the phenomenology of pediatric

mania is still highly debated and the course and long-termoutcome

of pediatric BD still need to be clarified.