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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S170–S237


Risperidone, atypical antipsychotics, was approved for irritability

in autistic disorder. However, some patients hadminimal improve-

ment or no response to this treatment. The purpose of this study

was to evaluate the association of pharmacogenomics factors

and clinical outcomes in autistic children and adolescence who

treated with risperidone for long periods. Sixty-seven autistic sub-

jects diagnosed with DSM-IV criteria and treated with risperidone

more than 1 year were evaluated clinical symptom by CGI, aggres-

sive, over activity, and repetitive score. Polymorphisms of ABCB1,

CYP2D6, DRD2, DRD3, and HTR2A were analyzed. Almost patients

showed stable symptom on aggressive (91.04%), over activity

(73.13%), repetitive (68.25%) behavior, and all clinical symptoms

(82.09%). Only 4.48% of patients showed minimally worse on CGI-I

score. Patients in non-stable of all symptomgroup had DRD2 Taq1A

non-wildtype (TT and CT) frequencies higher than clinical stable

group (


= 0.046), whereas other genes polymorphism showed no

significant association. Interestingly, there was no patient with

HTR2A-1438G > A wildtype in all non-stable symptoms. However,

there was no significant association due to small sample sizes. Drug

levels (RIS, 9OH-RIS, and active moiety) did not show the associa-

tionwith any clinical outcome. Increased appetitewas the common

ADRs, which associated with high body weight, whereas there was

not significantly associatedwith genetic variations and non-genetic

information. In conclusion, risperidone showed efficacy to con-

trol autism, especially aggressive symptom in long-term treatment.

However, dopamine 2 gene variation affect to non-stable in risperi-

done treated patients. This study supports pharmacogenomics

testing for personalized therapeutics of risperidone in autistic


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.

e-poster walk: Child and adolescent

psychiatry–Part 4


Psychiatric disorders run in families.

Children of parents with serious

mental disorders: A case history

M.D. Ortega Garcia

1 ,

, M.V. Marti Garnica


, S. Garcia Marin



C. Martinez Martinez


, R. Gomez Martinez


, P. Blanco del Valle



M.A. Lopez Bernal



CSM Cartagena, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre,

Cartagena, Spain


CSM Lorca, Psychiatry, Lorca, Spain


CSM Leon, Psychiatry, Leon, Spain


CSM Soria, Psychiatry, Soria, Spain


Psychiatry, CSM Cartagena, Cartagena, Spain

Corresponding author.


Publications and studies have shown that the exist-

ence of serious mental disorders in parents is a risk in the

development of children and is more common the existence of

mental illness in them than in the general pediatric population.

This work aims to reflect in depth on the study of the influence

of psychotic parents on child development through a review of a

clinical study. We present the case of 14 years old adolescent who

is being treated in a mental health center, whose parents suffers

from a severe mental illness. We also defend the importance of a

preventive approach or treatment that impinges on the child and

family environment.


A way of community work, in coordination

with the different teams (social services, educational services, etc.)

allows more efficient and appropriate treatment, using various

resources. When risk factors for developing mental health prob-

lems in childhood, family history and especially the existence of one

or both parents of mentally pathology type schizophrenia or other

psychoses are studied become important. It seems essential to

address as a priority to the social group have called “high-risk group

of psychosis’, and in particular to the” sons of patients diagnosed

with psychosis”, both for its size and the severity and chronicity of

psychopathology if developing means for early psychosocial care

does not occur.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Kaufman brief intelligence test

analysis of its usefulness in children

population for the assessment of

intelligence quotient (IQ)

M. Palomo Monge

1 ,

, J.F. Calvo Mauri


, M.D.C. Romo Barrientos



M.F. Alcocer Lanza



Psychiatry, 45600, Spain


Psychiatry, Hospital Nuestra Se˜nora del Prado, 45600, Spain


Family and community medicine, Hospital Nuestra Se˜nora del

Prado, 45600, Spain

Corresponding author.


The determination of IQ is essential in the assess-

ment and diagnosis of children. There are multitude of tests, one of

the most used are the Wechsler Scales.


Hypothesis: Assessment of IQ is equivalent using theWech-

sler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISCr) and Kaufman

inteligence brief test (KBIT).

Subjects Children undergoing treatment at Unit Child and Ado-

lescent Mental Health of Talavera with determination IQ at some

point in the intervention: 39 pairings determination of IQ sub-

jects atended: 20 males and 19 females, aged between 4 and

14 years.


Subjects are evaluated with KBIT and WISCr tests.


Design: Quasi-experimental with two conditions.

Independent variables: IQ Total WISCr and age management KBIT

(for eight years application of the full test, under this age not full


Dependent variable: IQ KBIT.


Calculation of correlation between IQ by non-

parametric test. Comparison between groups using non-parametric

test for dependent data (sign test). Rejecting null hypothesis for

alpha significance


< 0.05.


Partial KBIT; 21 comments, 11 males, 10 females; Spear-



= .714 (


< .001); average estimate of 12.71 points higher in

KBIT, Dt 18.07, sign test Z = –2.012 (


< .041).


18 observations, 9 males, 9 females; Spearman


= .739



< .001); lower average estimate of 3.44 points in KBIT, Dt 12.43,

sign test


= –.236 (


< .815).


The results support high validity regardless of age

management KBIT, although IQ scores obtained before 8 years

should be consideredwith caution. The KBIT has the advantage of its

shorter evaluation, however the information obtained fromWISCr

is wider.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.