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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S170–S237

Objective and aims

Recent studies investigate the association

between SA and NSSI among adolescent, as well as risk factors asso-

ciated with these phenomenon. We investigated the co-ccurrence

of NSSI and SA among adolescents treated in hospital during the

previous year.


We conducted a cross-sectional study among hospital-

ized adolescents in the Clinic formental disorde “Dr Laza Lazarevic”,

aged 14 to 18 years, in the period from 01.01.2015 to 01.01.2016.

The data were obtained from clinical interviews of patients.


Study included 146 adolescents, 51.4% male and 48.6%

female, average age 15.5. We found a statistically significant dif-

ference of NSSI (



= 9.951,


= 0.002, phi = 0.276) and SA (



= 4.517,


= 0.034, fi = 0.192) among female adolescent. The co-occurrence

of NSSI and SA was found in 4.8% of adolescents, which does not

indicate a statistically significant difference (



= 1.009,


= 0.315,

phi = –0.101) compared to the total population of hospitalized ado-



Although our study did not confirmed a higher inci-

dence of SA in adolescent with NSSI, understanding of what

percentage of those engaging in NSSI also make SA, and how they

are related have great significance in their prevention taking into

account the dangerousness and lethality of those behavior.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Untreated remission of adolescents’

mental health problems: Challenging

the treatment gap?

D. Raven

1 , 2 ,

, F. Jörg

1 , 2

, R.A. Schoevers


, A.J. Oldehinkel



UMCG, Psychiatry, GRONINGEN, The Netherlands


Friesland Mental Health Services, Research and Education,

Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Corresponding author.


Mental health problems are highly prevalent and

are associated with a high burden, but such problems are often left

untreated. This is referred to as the “treatment gap”. The question

of who is most likely to remit from their mental health prob-

lems without treatment has received surprisingly little attention.

A few studies do suggest that untreated remission is common in

the general population, but these are in particular limited by short

follow-up times.


The aims of this study are to describe untreated remis-

sion of mental health problems in adolescence, and to assess the

extent to which mental health problems recur after untreated



Data from the Dutch community-based cohort study

TRacking Adolescents’ Individual Lives Survey (TRAILS) were used.

Depressive and anxiety problems were assessed using the Youth

Self-Report at ages 11, 13, and 16, and the Adult Self-Report at ages

19 and 22.


Preliminary analyses showhigh rates of untreated remis-

sion (approximately 80% over all waves). However, a substantial

proportion of remitted cases still report sub clinical levels of mental

health problems at follow-up. More elaborate analyses are ongoing,

and will be presented at the conference.


First results suggest that untreated remission is com-

mon in adolescents. The presence of residual symptoms may point

towards an elevated risk of recurrence in adolescents who remit

without treatment. Further knowledge about untreated remission

is of vital importance for an accurate assessment of the treatment

gap, and for prevention and early intervention programmes.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Self-harm and attachment in

adolescents: What is the role of

emotion dysregulation?

G. Rogier

1 ,

, C. Petrocchi


, M. D’aguanno


, P. Velotti



La Sapienza, Psicologia clinica e dinamica, Roma, Italy


University of Rome, La Sapienza, Department of Dynamic and

Clinical Psychology, Roma, Italy


University of Genoa, Educational Sciences, Psychology Unit, Genoa,


Corresponding author.


Self-harm typically occurs in adolescence and has

been conceptualized as a dysfunctional strategy to regulate intense

negative emotions. Furthermore, empirical literature outlines that

self-harmers are more prone to have an insecure attachment style.

Moreover, the link between quality of attachment and capacity

to regulate emotions has been theoretically and empirically sup-



To examine the associations between attachment style,

self-harm behaviors and emotion dysregulation among a sample of

adolescents. The sample consisted of 740 adolescents aged between

13 and 19 years (mean age = 16.70, SD = 0.91).


To explore the nature of different pathways by which inse-

cure attachment leads to self-harm behaviors.


As expected, insecure attachment and emotion dys-

regulation were positively associated with self-harm behaviors.

Moreover, emotion dysregulation mediated the link between

attachment styles and self-harm. Specific pathways between types

of insecure attachment dimension of emotion dysregulation and

self-harm behaviors emerged.


Such results confirm the theorization of self-harm

behaviors as a dysfunctional strategy to regulate emotions. More-

over, such emotion dysregulation in self-harmers seem to be

connected to insecure attachment. Depending on the subtype of

insecure attachment, specific dimensions of emotion dysregulation

seem to be involved in self-harm behavior, suggesting interesting

clinical implications.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


A population service evaluation of the

ADHD pathway of children and young

people’s services, Malta

A. Saliba

, D. Agius , E. Sciberras , N. Camilleri

Mount Carmel Hospital, Malta, Psychiatry, Attard, Malta

Corresponding author.


ADHD is the commonest neurodevelopmental dis-

order in young people (YP) aged 5–18 years. YP with untreated

ADHD are 5 times more likely to develop co-morbid psychiatric



To carry out a population service evaluation of the

assessment process and management of YP with ADHD at Child

and Young People’s Service (CYPS), Malta age 0–16 years for 2014.


To describe the service input, assessment and treatment of

YP attending CYPS and compare to ADHD NICE guidelines 2008.


All patients diagnosed with ADHD at CYPS throughout

2014 were included. The incidence of YP with ADHD on treatment

age 3–16 years in Malta was calculated. Information was collected

from; (i) retrospective case file review and (ii) methylphenidate

and atomoxetine registry and compared with NICE guidelines.


One hundred and thirty-six YP were diagnosed with

ADHD. The minimum 12-month incidence of ADHD on treatment

(3–16 years) in Malta was 553 per 100,000. Pre-diagnosis assess-

mentsweremore frequently performed by other YP services (


= 97,