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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S303–S364

psychological challenge, including leaving one’s professional life

and organizing/enjoying the newly available free time. The lite-

rature about retirement identifies different stages and patterns of

transition/adaption associated with time spent in retirement.


To analyze the association between time spent in

retirement and subjective measures of mental health, depressive

symptomatology, loneliness and satisfaction with life.


Quantitative cross-sectional study with 641 partici-

pants (M= 74,86). The instruments included: sociodemographic

questionnaire; mental health inventory (MHI-5); geriatric depres-

sion scale (GDS); UCLA loneliness scale; satisfaction with life scale



Statistically significant differences in all the health and

well-being variables addressed were found between subgroups of

time spent in retirement (MHI-5:


= 0.001; GDS:


< 0.001; UCLA:


= 0.038; SWLS:


= 0.022). Mental health and satisfaction with life

increases in the first year after retirement, but during the second

year, they decrease to the levels found in pre-retirement. Loneliness

and depressive symptomatology follow an inverted pattern. With

the passing of years, loneliness and depression tend to increase;

mental health and satisfaction with life tend to decrease.


The results provide support to the hypotheses of

honeymoon and disenchantment phases in the recently retired

and to the existence of different patterns of transition/adaptation

associated with time spent in retirement. They also highlight the

relevance of devising intervention strategies that enable indivi-

duals to maintain the satisfaction levels with life and mental health

achieved during the first phase of retirement.


Retirement; Mental health; Well-being

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


MINDing the gap: Service users’

perspectives of the differences in

mental health care between statutory

and non-statutory organisations

S. McAndrew

, T. Warne , E. Beaumont , A. Hickey

University of Salford, school of nursing midwifery social work and

social science, Salford, United Kingdom

Corresponding author.


In the UK, almost 50% of illness diagnosed among

working age adults is mental distress, depression and chronic

anxiety being the two most prevalent illnesses. However, only 24%

of those diagnosed receive appropriate interventions within the

National Health Service (NHS). In light of this, third sector organi-

sations, such asMIND, are left to fill the gap in providing therapeutic

care. This paper reports on an evaluative study of what Mind offers

as opposed to statutory services from a service user perspective.


An exploration of the differences in mental health care bet-

ween statutory and non-statutory organisations.


To identify how service users experienced MIND’s

counselling service. To establish the benefits and disadvantages

of mental health care within statutory and non-statutory services.

To identify the impact of mental health care from non-statutory



This qualitative research project, adopted a case study

approach. Using one to one narrative interviews, data from 12 par-

ticipants, five males and seven females were collected. Following

transcription, each narrative was analysed individually, with the-

matic analysis being used across all 12 interviews.


Six themes were identified; mindful of the gap; easing

like sunday morning; magic moments; love is in the air; lighting

up a future and changing the status quo.


Mind plays a significant role in enabling those with

psychological problems to move towards building a better future.

Findings suggest statutory services can learn important lessons

from non-statutory organisations not least how best to provide

cohesive, collaborative and compassionate mental health care for

those in distress.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Acculturation strategies and severity

of depression among Vietnamese


M.H. Nguyen

1 ,

, E. Hahn


, R. Burian


, M. Dettling



A. Diefenbacher


, T.M.T. Ta



Charité - Universtitätsmedizin Berlin, department of psychiatry and

psychotherapy, Berlin, Germany


Evangelic hospital Königin Elisabeth Herzberge, department of

psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychosomatics, Berlin, Germany

Corresponding author.


Migrationwith its long-termchanges and the resulting task

to adjust to the new environment has been associated with an

increased risk for mental health problems. This study aims to gain

further insight on the relationship between the fours acculturations

strategies (integration, assimilation, separation, marginalization)

and severity of depression.


A total of


= 79 first generation Vietnamese outpa-

tients from a psychiatric outpatient clinic for Vietnamese migrants

in Germany were investigated regarding self-reported depressive

symptoms (patient health questionnaire-9) and acculturation (Ste-

phenson multigroup acculturation scale; SMAS).


Patientswith an integration acculturation strategy repor-

ted lower severity of depression compared to marginalized

patients, who reported the highest severity of depression.


The results implicate that the integration of both

the mainstream society and the ethnic society might serve as a

resource, whereas the rejection of both societies might increase

the risk of depression.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Relationship between

migration-stressors and self-reported

symptoms of depression in an

outpatient sample of Vietnamese

migrants in Germany

T.M.T. Ta , S. Wolf , M.H. Nguyen

, M. Dettling , E. Hahn

Charité universitätsmedizin, psychiatry, Berlin, Germany

Corresponding author.


Vietnamese migrants under the influence of

migration-related stressors (MRS) represent a vulnerable group

within the mental health care system in Germany.


First study examining the relationship between the quan-

tity of experiencedMRS and the severity of self-reported symptoms

of depression in a Vietnamese outpatient-sample.


137 first-generation Vietnamese migrants diagnosed

with depression were asked to complete the BDI-II and 24 ques-

tions about stressful experiences related to the migration process.

Linear regression models was performed to examine the influence

of the MRS-quantity on BDI-II total score and on BDI-II subscales

(Buckley et al., 2001).


A higher number of experienced MRS was found to be

related to a higher BDI-II total score, as well as to a higher score

on the cognitive subscale in particular. Regarding the cognitive