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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S303–S364



This was a cross-sectional study, which aimed to deter-

mine the interaction between situational, factors, role stressors,

hazard exposure and personal factors among 246 nurses consis-

ting most of females (78.5%) from the different wards and units in

the Philippines General Hospital (PGH).


Almost half (49.6%) of the respondents reported being

ill due to work in the past year, and 56.1% missed work because

of an illness. Correlation statistics using the Spearman’s rho sho-

wed organizational role stressors was most significant in burnout

among nurses in the Philippine’s largest tertiary hospital. Organi-

zational role stressors consisted of ten dimensions, namely:

– inter-role distance (IRD);

– role stagnation (RS);

– role expectation conflict (REC);

– role erosion (RE);

– role overload (RO);

– role isolation (RI);

– personal inadequacy (PI);

– self-role distance (SRD);

– role ambiguity;

– resource inadequacy (RIn).


The contribution of the study is in advancing new

concepts in the already existing framework of burnout, and thus,

can assist nurses and hospital administration on how to control this



Burnout; Organizational role stressors; Hazard

exposures; Situational factors; Nurses

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


Collaborative care for treating

common mental disorders in the

community. Developing a clinical

pathway for early intervention in

Southeast Tuscany

M. Lussetti

1 ,

, R . D

e Lilla



Azienda USL Sud Est Toscana, department of mental health,

Grosseto, Italy


Azienda USL Sud Est Toscana, Società della Salute, Area Grossetana,

Grosseto, Italy

Corresponding author.


Common mental disorders (CMD) have a 12-month

prevalence over 7% in the Italian population. Only 16,9% of people

are treated by the health services, despite the high cost in disability

and loss of productivity.


To improve access to low-intensity CBT (LI-CBT) treat-

ments in primary care.


To organize a clinical pathway in which general prac-

titioners (GPs) identify the early signs of CMD and promote a

collaborative care with a team of mental health practitioners



A small teamofMHPs outlined and implemented, in col-

laboration with a group of 9 GPs, a clinical pathway to treat CMD

in stepped care. Guided self-help was the first and main interven-

tion. Group and individual CBT were offered–when needed–as a

second and third step. If the user opted for drug treatment, a psy-

chiatrist conducted one or two sections of consultation to the GP.

The MHP team was fully integrated within the community men-

tal health center (CMHC). PHQ-9 and GAD-7 were rated at each



With a mean of 5,3 appointments, 90 persons were trea-

ted in 1 year. 68% reached recovery (both PHQ-9 and GAD-7 < 10),

a result in line with the best performing English Clinical commis-

sioning groups in the IAPT project.


A small multi-professional team of MHP can build

with GPs a simple clinical pathway able to reach high standards of

care with relatively small resources offering LI-CBT integrated with

drug treatment and high intensity care.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Barriers for unaccompanied refugee

minors in accessing mental health

care: Is it the therapy or the therapist?

P. Majumder

1 ,

, P. Vostanis


, M. O’Reilly



University of Nottingham, medicine and health sciences,

Nottingham, United Kingdom


University of Leicester, psychology, Leicester, United Kingdom

Corresponding author.


Refugee children, particularly unaccompanied refu-

gee minors, present with disproportionately high prevalence of

mental health and emotional difficulties. However, the mental

health service access and treatment engagement of this vulnerable

group has been consistently shown to be poorer than the general

population. Despite of this, so far there hasn’t been much research

to explore the possible underlying reasons or barriers for these

young people to accessmental health service in their host countries.

Aims and objectives

This research aims to understand unaccom-

panied refugee children’s barriers to access and utilize mental

health services. To explore any potential characteristics in the ser-

vice provision that can be linked with the observed poor treatment

engagement and service access is also an objective of this study.


The study was conducted by using semi-structured

interviews with 15 unaccompanied asylum seeking minors and

their carers to elicit their views, perceptions and beliefs based on

their experience of receiving treatment from a specialist mental

health service in the UK.


The interview transcripts were analysed using thema-

tic analysis. The main findings were categorised into two broad

themes, the participants’ perceptions of the intervention received,

and perception of the professionals involved. The different ele-

ments and pertinent issues within these two broad areas were



Findings will help stimulate further exploratory

research gaining better understanding of the barriers for these

young people to access treatment, and contribute in developing

innovative services that are more efficient in engaging this vulne-

rable group and suitable to meet their specific needs.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Time spent in retirement, health and


A.R. Lucas

1 , F. D


2 , S. G


3 , I. M


4 ,


H. Vicente



Miguel Torga institute, Coimbra, Portugal


Miguel Torga institute, university of Coimbra, centre for health

studies and research, Coimbra, Portugal


Miguel Torga institute, research centre for the study of population,

economics and society, Coimbra, Portugal


Miguel Torga institute, faculty of medicine, university of Coimbra,

Coimbra, Portugal

Corresponding author.


From a life-span developmental perspective, reti-

rement can be considered a life event that entails a complex