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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S645–S709


completed. Monthly net family income distributionwas:

150 euro

58 patients (27.1%); income between 150–500 euro 116 patients


500 euro 40 patients (18.7%).


Patients with income

150 euro, compared to patients

with income

500 euro, had statistically significant worse global

health status (60.2


27.9 vs. 80.2




= 0.0007); worse phys-

ical functioning (80.3 vs. 69.1;

P <

0.001); worse role functioning

(92.9 vs. 78.7;


= 0.009); worse sexual functioning (


= 0.019);

more severe fatigue (38 vs. 23;


= 0.01), nausea/vomitus (


= 0.041),

appetite loss (18.4


7.5). Major depression was diagnosed in 35

patients. Depressed patients have less income than not depressed

patients (23.3% vs. 14.41%), but the difference did not reach statis-

tical significance.


Lower income negatively affects many aspects of

quality of life. Specific interventions are needed for cancer sur-

vivors with lower socio-economic status to preserve and improve

the quality of life.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Mental disorders in patients breast

cancer: Differentiated approach to the

study Nozogeny

O. Shushpanova

Scientific Center of Mental Health, Department for the Study of

Children and Adolescent Psychiatry problems, Moscow, Russia


The problem of mental disorders in patients with

breast cancer is relevant due to the high prevalence of pathological

changes in the mental health patients, insufficient development of

clinical typology of psychosomatic correlations of the contribution

of constitutional features.


Nozogeny disorders are clinically heterogeneous and

are represented by two nosologic categories: reaction and noso-

genic patho-characterological personal development. The basic

method of work was a clinical follow-up and statistical research

methods (method using contingency tables and Fechner coefficient

method using the 2 – test).


The manifestation of a nozogeny reaction is closely

correlatedwith his premorbid personality characteristics. Anxious-

depressive nozogeny reaction was recorded in 17 patients of

the first sample with high direct correlation (coefficient Fech-



= 0.76,


< 0.01) with respect to accentuation of personality

in the alarm type, and the weak direct link to the personal

characteristics of the affective (bipolar) range (


= 0.22,


< 0.01).

Anxious-nozogeny dissociative responsewas detected in 9 patients

with hysterical (55.5%) and expansive schizotypal (vershrobene)

(44.4%) lung cancer with a significant (


= 0.65,


< 0.01) a direct

correlation with constitutional hyperthymia, anxiety-hypomanic

nozogeny response was observed in patients c schizotypal RL



= 4) paired with symptoms of persistent hyperthymia (


= 0.39,


= 0.012).


Patho-characterological development of personality

are formed on the remote catamnestic stage breast cancer and show

the clinical heterogeneity of differentiation into 4 types: (1) the

type of hypochondriacal dysthymia, (2) the type of “paranoia strug-

gle”, (3) in an “aberrant hypochondria” and (4) the type of “new


Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


Chemobrain and anxiety in a patient

with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: Case

report and literature discussion

M. Silva

1 ,

, M. Roque


, P. Macedo


, A. Fornelos



CHTMAD-E.P.E, Psychiatry department, Felgueiras, Portugal


CHTMAD-E.P.E, Psychiatry department, Vila Real, Portugal

Corresponding author.

Impaired cognitive function is a common complaint among onco-

logic patients. Chemotherapy-induced cognitive impairment (CICI),

also called “chemobrain” or “chemofog” is currently recognized as

a relatively common adverse effect of chemotherapeutic agents

and is defined as the impairment of patients’ memory, learning,

concentration, reasoning, executive function, attention, and vis-

uospatial skills during and after discontinuation of chemotherapy.

In particular, it is apparent that a subset of chemotherapy-treated

haematological malignancy survivors experience cognitive impair-

ment. On the other hand, the emotional distress associated with

the disclosure of cancer diagnosis and/or the administration of

chemotherapy represents a strong reason for psychosomatic man-

ifestations in patients with cancer. The authors report a case of

a patient with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, cognitive impairment and

symptoms of anxiety and they propose to discuss the controversies

around the factors implicated on cognitive impairment in oncolo-

gical patients.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Carry on: Study of psychosocial needs

of oncological patients of the

Azores–Proposal for a support model

M. Sousa

1 ,

, C . B

arreto Carvalho

2 , H.


3 , M.C

. Canavarro



University of Azores, Psychology, Ponta Delgada, Portugal


University of Azores, Cognitive and Behavioural Center for Research

and Intervention, CINEICC, Psychology, Ponta Delgada, Portugal


Cognitive and Behavioural Center for Research and

Intervention-CINEICC, Faculty of Psychology and Educational

Sciences, University of Coimbra, Psychology and Educational

Sciences, Coimbra, Portugal

Corresponding author.

The number of new cases of cancer in Azores and the transfer of

oncological patients tomainland Portugal for specialized treatment

raise concerns about psychological adaptation and suitable support

care. Further studies regarding the lack of support interventions

available to meet the needs of Azorean oncological patients and

survivors are required. The main objectives of this study are: (1)

to evaluate psychosocial needs and other psychological adaptation

variables among adult oncological survivors from the Azores; and

(2), ensuing from objective (1), to develop a pilot study to test a

model of support with a group of oncological patients from the

Azores. Two studieswill be performed. The first dealswith objective

(1) as described. Based on results obtained, a randomized control

trial assessment will be run to test a support model based on the

patient advocacy movement with oncological patients. The assess-

ment protocol will be administrated three times: before and after

the model’s implementation and, again, as a follow-up. Results

should enhance knowledge of assessing psychological adaptation

variables involved in disease trajectory while testing a support

model addressing this study major concerns. These, as suggested,

relate to lack of support interventions to meet the psychosocial

needs of oncological patients and survivors from the Azores. Given

the peculiar experience of Azorean oncological patients’, while

away from their homes, there is a need to ensure adequate health

care services on their behalf. Hence, the importance of devising