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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S69–S105



A total of 175 patients was randomized. At 3-month

follow-up, patients randomized to intervention reportedmore days

abstinent and less drug use severity than patients randomized to

treatment as usual. In addition, patients randomized to interven-

tion were at lower risk of dropout after intervention. In addition,

patients randomized to intervention were more likely to report

having received help for antisocial personality disorder at follow-

up interviews.


A brief psychoeducational intervention may

improve outcomes for outpatients with antisocial personality


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Childhood parental childrearing

differently influences on adulthood

fears, agoraphobia and navigation

strategy selection in females and


J. Kállai

1 ,

, S. Rózsa


, G. Vincze


, L. Martin


, Á. Csathó



K. Dorn


, I. Török



University of Pécs, Institute of Behavioral Sciences, Pécs, Hungary


Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of Psychology, Budapest,



Pándy Kálmán Country Hospital, Gyula, Hungary


Kaposvár University, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology,

Kaposvár, Hungary


University of Pécs, Pediatric Clinic, Pécs, Hungary


Semmelweis University, Department of Applied Psychology,

Budapest, Hungary

Corresponding author.


Using self-report assessment methods, the present

study examined affective factors that influenced the gender spe-

cific use of a survey-based orientation strategy and landmark-based

route-finding strategy in an unfamiliar environment. First, we ana-

lyzed the role of early navigation experiences and the influence of

early parental attachment (emotional warmth, overprotection and

rejection) on way finding strategy. Second, the study analyzed the

intercorrelations between way finding strategies and fear-related

avoidance behavior and anxiousness.


Three hundred and sixteen male and female students

were recruited in a study to analyze the relationships between

navigation strategies, fears, early parental childrearing behavior

and navigation experiences. We proposed that use of navigation

strategy depends on not only the physical features of the current

environment and the participants’ gender, but also fears of closed

and opened spaces and types of perceived parental childrearing



We found that when exploring strange places, females

used a route-finding strategy in contrast to males who used an

orientation strategy for exploring a strange environment. Fear

enhanced the preference for a route-finding strategy in both

females and males. A route-finding strategy was associated with

agoraphobic scores in females and with social fears in males.

Perceived rejection from father and emotional warmth from

mother together induces usage of route-finding navigation strat-



The family background influence on the capability to

have personal experiences in unfamiliar environment and to cope

with fears and behavioral avoidance in strange opened and closed


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Reasons for acute psychiatric

admissions and psychological

interventions for patients with

borderline personality disorder

N.P. Lekka

, G. Carr , T. Gilpin , B. Eyo

Sheffield Health and Social Care Foundation Trust, Acute Inpatient

Service, Sheffield, United Kingdom

Corresponding author.


NICE guidelines advise to consider admission for

patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) for the man-

agement of crises involving significant risk to self or others.

Furthermore, to consider structured psychological interventions

of greater than three months’ duration and twice-weekly sessions

according to patients’ needs and wishes.


We aimed to assess reasons for admission and access

to psychological interventions in an acute inpatient BPD popula-



Case notes of patients with a diagnosis of BPD (ICD-10

F60.3 and F60.31), discharged from four acute general adult wards

in Sheffield during a period of twelve months were studied ret-

rospectively, using a structured questionnaire based on BPD NICE



Of the 83 identified BPD patients, seventy-eight percent

were female and 82% between 16–45 years old. Eleven patients had

four or more admissions. Eighty percent reported suicidal ideation

at admission, with 50% having acted on it (70% by overdose, 50%

cutting, 10% hanging). Of this cohort, 58% reported they intended

to die. Psychosocial factors at admissionwere identified in 59 cases,

including relationship breakdown (47.5%), alcohol/drug use (30.5%)

and accommodation issues (17%). Disturbed/aggressive behaviour

was documented in 27.1% of these cases. Sixty-eight percent of

patients had psychology input in the 5 years preadmission: 38%

(21 patients) received structured therapy, whilst 62% received only

one assessment or advise to teams.


Patientsweremainly admitted for riskmanagement.

A high proportion received unstructured psychological inter-

ventions. Services offering structured psychological interventions

should be supported, as hospitalisations only temporarily address

BPD patients’ suicidality and psychosocial difficulties.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Assessing the role of weight

suppression (WS) and weight loss rate

(WLR) in eating disorders

G. Miotto

, I. Chiappini , A. Favaro , P. Santonastaso , D. Gallicchio

Università degli Studi di Padova, Clinica Psichiatrica, Padova, Italy

Corresponding author.

Introduction and aims

In this study, we aim to assess the role

of weight suppression (WS) in eating disorders, not only from a

quantitative point of viewbut also assessing the speed of theweight

loss by using a new parameter: the weight loss rate (WLR). We

analysed the role of these two indexes in different eating disorders

domains, considering both eating behaviours and outcome profiles.


The sample consisted of 414 patients, including 62 with

AN binge purge subtype (ANBP), 146 with AN restrictive subtype

(ANR) and 206 with bulimia nervosa (BN). Data about response

to treatment were available for a subsample of 201 patients. A

cross-sectional design was used for the clinical symptoms detected

during the initial assessment and a longitudinal designwas adopted

for the response to treatment analysis.


No significant relationship emerged between both WS

and WLR and variables collected at baseline assessment. We