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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S170–S237


Cognitive, emotional and personal

features of children with cleft lip and


I. Mandel

1 ,

, S. Mikheev


, A. Mandel



A.V. Vishnevsky Institute of Surgery, ICU, Moscow, Russia


Research Institute of Cardiology, Tomsk National Research Medical

Center of RAS, cardiosurgery, Tomsk, Russia


Mental Health Research Institute, Tomsk National Research Medical

Center of RAS, addictive disorders, Tomsk, Russia

Corresponding author.


Cognitive and behavioural problems usually accom-

pany isolated clefts of the lip and/or the palate (ICLP)

[1] .


To investigate cognitive, emotional and personal features

of children with ICLP in comparison with non-cleft children from

complete families and non-cleft orphans.


The ICLP group consisted of 29 children (age 14.2



The first comparison group (1CG) consisted of 34 non-cleft chil-

dren (age 14.1


0.5). The second comparison group (2CG) consisted

of 30 non-cleft orphans (age 13.8


0.8). Drawing tests “House-

Tree-Person” have been selected to evaluate the level of children’s

development, emotional and personal features in all three groups.

M. Luscher Color test was chosen to figure out the children’s psy-

chological state, regardless of education level.


The most characteristic features of the ICLP children and

2CG were similar. They included infantilism (69%; 43.3%), low

self-control (65.5%; 56.7%), demonstrative demeanor (62%; 36.7%),

escape from reality into fantasy (93%; 76.7%), anxiety (69%; 63.3%).

ICLP children compared with the 1CG has shown significantly

higher level of aggression (79.3% vs. 4.2%), increased self-esteem

(59.6 vs. 4.2%), impulsiveness (51.7% vs. 16.7%), the importance of

other people’s opinions (59.6% vs. 29.2%). Contrary, the feelings of

lack of emotional warmth, the need for protection were observed

in 1CG more frequently–70.8% vs 55.2% in ICLP and 60% in 2CG.


Psychological correction in children with ICLP

should be aimed at increasing the adaptive functions, facilitating

communication with peers, search the area for self-realization.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


[1] van der Plas E, Koscik TR, Conrad AL, et al. J Clin Exp Neuropsy-

chol 2013;35(5):489–500.


Prenatal and perinatal factors in

autism spectrum disorders–a case

control study of a Serbian sample

V. Mandic-Maravic

1 ,

, M. Pejovic-Milovancevic

2 , 3


M. Mitkovic-Voncina

3 , 4

, D. Lecic-Tosevski

5 , 6 , 7


Institute of Mental Health, Department for psychotic disorders,

Belgrade, Serbia


Institute of Mental Health, Head, Child and adolescent clinic,

Belgrade, Serbia


School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Department of

psychiatry Belgrade, Serbia


Institute of Mental Health, Day hospital for adolescents, Belgrade,



Institute of Mental Health, Director, Belgrade, Serbia


Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Department of Medical

Sciences Belgrade, Serbia


School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Head, Department of

psychiatry Belgrade, Serbia

Corresponding author.


Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are complex psy-

chiatric disorders, with both genetic and environmental factors

implicated in their etiology. Recent studies suggest the prenatal and

early postnatal genesis of ASD, therefore, understanding the effect

of environmental risk factors could be important for prevention and

treatment of ASD.


The aim of this study was to determine the association of

prenatal factors and perinatal complications with ASD.


Our study included 102 subjects with ASD (80% boys)

aged 9.35


5.85, and 107 age and sex matched healthy controls

(77% boys). For the diagnosis of ASD, we used the ICD-10 criteria

and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R). A questionnaire

regarding prenatal and perinatal factors/complications was admin-

istered to all subjects.


Logistic regression model of having autism vs. being a

control subject included gender, age, maternal and paternal age

at birth, pregnancy order, smoking in pregnancy, number of med-

ication during pregnancy (mostly tocolytics, antihypertensives,

antiarrhythmics), and early postnatal complications (mostly pre-

maturity, low birth weight, hyperbilirubinaemia). The model was

significant, explaining about the third of variance, with number of

medication during pregnancy and having an early postnatal com-

plication as significant predictors.


Our study has shown a significant association of spe-

cific prenatal and perinatal factors and ASD, even after controlling

for other potential confounding variables. Identifying specific risk

factors is important for prevention of ASD. It is also the first step

in defining basis of the gene–environment interaction mechanism,

which might enable development of an individualised therapeutic

approach for this group of disorders.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Sensory processing disorders and


J. Mesquita Reis

, L. Q

ueiróga , R. Velasco Rodrigues ,

B. Pinto Ferreira , F. Padez Vieira , M. Farinha , P. Caldeira da Silva

Dona Estefânia Hospital, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Lisboa,


Corresponding author.


Sensory processing is the individual’s ability to

receive, process and integrate sensory information from the envi-

ronment and body movement in the central nervous system, in

order to produce adaptive responses. Sensory processing disor-

ders (SPD) are associated to difficulties in regulating emotions

and behaviours as well as motor abilities in response to sensory

stimulation that lead to impairment in development and function-

ing. It is estimated that SPD affect 5–16% of school-aged children.

Although these diseases constitute a primary diagnostic category

in the Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Development

Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood: DC0-3, they have not yet

been validated by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Men-

tal Disorders-DSM. In the latest edition of DSM, SPD were only

included as one of the diagnostic criteria of autism-spectrum dis-

orders. However, several studies have suggested that SPD may

present themselves solely or coexist with other clinical conditions.


The aim of this study was to review systematically the

relationship between SPD and psychopathology.


Articles indexed in the Pubmed database were ana-



Although sensory processing problems are

well known to occur in association with autism, their relationship

with other mental disorders is not a well studied area. Some studies

have related them with ADHD, behavioural disorders and learning

disorders. Some studies also comproved that SPD are a valid diag-

nosis and that there are individuals with SPD who do not meet the

criteria for other known disorder. One study found an abnormal