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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S170–S237


white matter microstructure in children with SPD. Despite these

findings SPD need to be further studied.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Altered puberty timing in recent

decades: Implications for

adolescence-onset conduct disorder

P. Michielsen

, M.


Mental Health Western Northern Brabant, General Adult Psychiatry,

Halsteren, The Netherlands

Corresponding author.


In industrialised countries, the age of puberty onset

has substantially diminished over the last 150 years. Several fac-

tors, like improved nutrition and health care have contributed to

this, but there are concerns about other factors, like obesity, lev-

els of divorce and chemicals. There is an association between early

puberty and externalizing disorders in both girls and boys.


To describe trends in advanced puberty timing and

adolescence-onset conduct disorder (CD), analyse if an association

exists between both and evaluate which measures can be taken to

prevent youth from antisocial activities during adolescence.


A systematic literature review using Medline, Embase

and Psycinfo Databases.


Family break-up and increased stress are risk factors for

adolescence-onset conduct disorder. Obesity is associatedwith low

SES families, so prevention campaigns giving advice on healthy

nutrition may be beneficial. On the general level, there is no

clear positive correlation between adolescence-onset CD and early

puberty over the last decades as numbers of CD are decreasing.


Potential mental health gains can be obtained to focus

on children with multiple risk factors for early puberty. More

research is needed to assess, which interventions (diet, advice on

body changes, social expectations, etc.) are most useful.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Onset paranoid symptoms in

depressive and non-depressive middle

adolescence sample: School-based

preliminary study from Croatia

S. Krnic

, D. Britvic , M. Milanovic

University Hospital Center Split, Department of Psychiatry, Split,


Corresponding author.


There is a lack of epidemiological evidence on the

prevalence and incidence of mental health disorders in adolescence

in Croatia. Depressive disorder and paranoid symptoms have been

demonstrated to be closely related in adult community samples

or patients with adult depression. The present study used a cross-

sectional design to evaluate a sample of Croatian adolescents.


Examine the prevalence of paranoid symptoms in ado-

lescents attending grammar school as a preliminary study of clinical

characteristic of depression in adolescence.


A sample of 450 individuals, average age 15.7

(SD = 0.45); female 232 (51.6%), male 218 (48.4%). The screening

was followed by the use of a structured psychiatric interview

(HAMD-21), which was administered to confirm the presence

or absence of depression disorder. Item paranoid symptoms

were administered to evaluate the level OD symptoms (0–none;

1–suspicious; 2–ideas of reference; 3–delusions of reference and



A total of 450 participants were screened, using HAMD-

21, paranoid symptoms occurred (44.9%). Depressed adolescents:

moderate, severe and very severe, defined as more than 14

points in HAMD-21 presented paranoid symptoms 68.1%, and non-

depressed 32.2%.


The depressive group displayed more frequent and

intense paranoid symptoms than the control group (


< 0.001).

Among non-depressed the incidence of paranoid symptoms is a

surprisingly high. This could be the consequences of the war in

Croatia, transition, as well as the influence of social networks on

adolescent communication. This requires future studies.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Relationship between early

maladaptive schemes and traumatic

childhood experiences with suicidal

behavior in adults

L. Montes Reula

, H. Saiz García , A. Portilla Fernández

Biomedical Research Center CIB, Psychiatric, Pamplona, Spain

Corresponding author.

Exposure to traumatic events in childhood is associated with sui-

cidal behavior in adulthood, in the form of ideas, attempted or

completed suicide. The abuse causes impaired cognitive schemes

in the attachment figure, abandonment, mistrust and vulnerabil-

ity to damage. The literature has demonstrated the dose–response

relationship between a traumatic event in childhood and the devel-

opment of mental disorders and the possibility of suicidal behavior.

In addition, abuse is transmitted through the generations along

with another factor of suicidal vulnerability (family history of

suicide). Abuse in childhood is associated with depression, anxi-

ety, antisocial behavior or substance. In fact, in investigations is

suggested the vulnerability to any psychopathological disease. A

history of suicidal behavior increases the risk for these children.

Since child abuse increases suicidal behavior, we can find families

in which coexists history of suicidal behavior and child abuse. The

high prevalence of abuse and vulnerability neurodevelopmental

leads us to consider a plan of action for this population. Rejection

and/or contempt suffered in a developing brain might be related

to subsequent alterations in emotional regulation or impulsivity.

For these associations should conduct a more thorough screening

in children’s consultations to address this issue. It is very important

to approach about cognitive schemes that subsequently repeated

dysfunctional acts. Impulsive o unstable behavior could be reduced.

This would decrease the consequences that these children have in


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Executive functioning impairments in

adolescents with early diagnosis of

obsessive compulsive disorder

N. Nazarboland

Shahid Beheshty University, Psychology, Tehran, Iran

Despite the neuropsychology literature provide reliable evidence

of impaired executive functions in obsessive-compulsive disor-

der (OCD), it has not been determined whether these deficits

are prior to onset of the disorder or they begin to appear as

consequence. To investigate whether recent onset of OCD in ado-